Recent content by bola

  1. B

    Is there really anything left to dicsuss?

    I'm sorry but there's no justification or proof for this theory. It sounds more like a pet theory to me. You say when we can manipulate the world and ourselves infinitely, how do you know we won't have reached such a level that by then, all philosophical questions have been answered? How do...
  2. B

    Fear of Death: A Philosophical Inquiry into Coping with Uncertainty

    I disagree Rade. Death is something, it's the end of life, but it's also a process, namely dying. SO it doesn't really matter how you put it, because after you lose your life, you are dead. If you want to go really deep, you can say that death itself is a state. The lungs shut down, the...
  3. B

    Can We Really Grasp the Concept of Infinity in the Universe?

    I'm not into the whole math thing, more the philosophy, so if what I'm about to say is incorrect please correct me so I can learn something. Regardless, if you have a universe that you can map with cartesian coordinates, each coordinate is unique. The problem is, does the universe contain an...
  4. B

    Is Free Will Rooted in Sub-Planck Physics?

    Just because Planck time doesn't have any meaning below that scale, doesn't mean that there is no time there, you say non-existant as if we trusted our current scientific view to be correct.
  5. B

    Can We Really Grasp the Concept of Infinity in the Universe?

    We can imagine infinity as something that never stops, but to me at least, this is something that is always moving out and out in all directions. However infinity can't move, because it is infinite, if something moves it has an edge, so basically an infinite universe must be everywhere. The...
  6. B

    Can We Really Grasp the Concept of Infinity in the Universe?

    The only thing I had to back up was the statement about other people who said they could describe infinity. However I didn't because you never came with any arguments against mine.
  7. B

    Can We Really Grasp the Concept of Infinity in the Universe?

    -- No, it is not obvious. Oh isn't it? -- String theory doesn't go outside of space-time -- it says that space-time has more dimensions than we think it does. I meant the higher dimension, our universe is one membrane. --A rather bold statement, in face of the many people who think...
  8. B

    Fear of Death: A Philosophical Inquiry into Coping with Uncertainty

    Death is a thing I've thought a lot about in my existential stage.. I'm still kind of afriad of dying, not being dead though. It doesn't sound too pleasant to lie there feeling your heart stopping, your breath taken away from you and life sucked out of you.. However I hear when you die the...
  9. B

    Can We Really Grasp the Concept of Infinity in the Universe?

    As for the physical nature of infinity.. Obviously there is a limited amount of atoms in the universe, or energy, if not a constant value of energy, therefore spacetime is not infinite. However people start to ask themselves, "what is outside the universe?" And that's when it gets complicated...
  10. B

    Can We Ever Have a Theory of Everything?

    For us to have a theory of everything, will we have to study every single inch of the universe? I mean how can we know we have a theory of everything, when we don't know the whole universe. For all we know there could be a different set of laws somewhere else, billions of light years away...
  11. B

    Is omnipotence intrinsically paradoxical?

    Here's my idea on this. First we must establish what god IS. For god to be omnipotent, he cannot be a part of the universe, as in, he can't be made p of particles or strings and whatever else the universe consists of. Why? Because if he was, he would be a slave to the laws of physics, and...
  12. B

    Is there really anything left to dicsuss?

    Glad you asked that question. First off, philosophy right now has tons of unanswered questions, of which philosophy seems unable to answer. The only thing there is to discuss is to teach new people what they need to get up to speed, not find out the solution to these problems. (For example the...
  13. B

    Is there really anything left to dicsuss?

    It seems to me all the philosophical questions have been discussed exhaustively much, and that there isn't much original thought left. Maybe we need to wait for science to bring us new possibilities? After being deeply into philosophy for almost 3 years, I feel like I've hit a brick wall...
  14. B

    Life After Death: Proof of Eternal Existence

    Sikz is absolutely correct, but not in the way he thinks. e can never be 0, why? Because the atoms that make up our body, will change into other energies. We have and always will be, a part of the constant energy that is the universe. Just not as conscious human beings, but the particles that...
  15. B

    Why Do We Still Philosophize Despite Contradictions with Systematic Thinking?

    I believe philosophy is the humanistic science. Where science uses mathematics and formulas and experiments, philosophy uses humanistic language and concepts, both to explain the physical world we live in. But not only that, philosophy explains something that science never cannot; first person...