Recent content by BuickBoy

  1. B

    Parts Produced Vs Total Downtime

    Parts Produced Vs Total Downtime - Graphical Interpretation Hi all! I'm working on a project analyzing downtime for a manufacturing floor. The department makes between 6 and 8 millions parts per month with 10-18 thousand minutes of unplanned downtime collectively (changeovers, maintenance...
  2. B

    Building a Scale for Spaghetti Bridge Contest - Help Needed

    I figured out my own problem. I plotted my data with the strain on the Y-axis not the X-axis as I needed. Once I did that I was able to figure out the slope (3.357 in my case) and then multiply the strain by the slope which will give me my weight. Simple algebra gets you sometimes. ;)...
  3. B

    Building a Scale for Spaghetti Bridge Contest - Help Needed

    Hello All, I'm currently working on a project to help with a local spaghetti bridge contest. I'm trying to build a scale of sorts from a plate that is supported at each end. Picture a bracket "[" but with the two legs on the ground. I'm using strain gages on the bottom in the shape of...
  4. B

    Designing a Catapult: Calculating Mass Moment of Inertia & Launch Speed

    This is a catapult design project. Homework Statement The counterweight is 400lb, the boulder (projectile) is 50lb and the throwing arm is 100lb. The throwing arm is assumed to be rigid, uniform in density, and weight. The throwing arm is also 17ft in total length. The throwing arm starts...
  5. B

    Min Cost Of A Can Using Calculus

    we're at a stand still... we're going in tomorrow with hardly anything... i guess another couple of guys got a diameter of 22 inches?? which is huge! and also a thickness of .25 inches. I guess if the cost numbers are correct it makes sense... i just would like to see the function used... (we...
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    Min Cost Of A Can Using Calculus

    Thank you, we are going to try this. The C parts are some equation that some other kid was using somehow and asked the professor who said he was "on the right track". We are still a bit confused but we are using Derive to do this project to hopefully have less stress and potential error on our...
  7. B

    Min Cost Of A Can Using Calculus

    Hello, I'm in an applied calculus class and we just received a project that my group is having some small issues with. We have find the minimum cost of a tin can using calculus. From the text, " You must design a cylindrical tin can which is to hold 100 cubic inches of material. The tin...