Recent content by Caitriona

  1. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    I'm afraid as a total non-believer myself I lack the insight to write about anything that will involve a lot of religion. I simply don't have the ability to grasp the whole concept of belief in a higher power. If I were to write such a thing, it would ultimate turn out to be a statement against...
  2. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    I have been thinking about that whole "people are forced back into the stone age by a cult" thing before, but that is not the road I will pick for this story. It doesn't fit my characters at all. But thank you for mentioning it!
  3. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    Carrington events...will have to google that :angel:
  4. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    *lol* but since this story is not set in the US, let's just assume postal service would be slightly for the worse compared to today :wink:
  5. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    Yep, there will be postal service, but like you said, it will take days, weeks and months for mail to be delivered, depending on the distance it's sent. I'm also thinking engines will be used by rich people and some parts of the industry and maybe the government, so yes, mail can be transported...
  6. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    Yes, you are correct, I definitely need the planet to be habitable and - aside from a little global warming and slight evolutionary changes and maybe an extinct species or two - quite the same as we know it today. I do think that the world population would be greatly reduced by a lack of...
  7. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    Sooo much freedom :wideeyed: it's a little mind-boggling after I've been trying to find a way around the whole electricity problem for a while now. Thank you very much, you have been a great help.
  8. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    That is actually brilliant, especially since the reason why is really not the point of the story...why didn't I think of that myself? *lol* So I guess I'm left with the second part of the disruptive would it actually be? I mean, these people didn't just forget about indoor...
  9. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    I'd rather not venture into Alien territory...would it be plausible that a similar effect might be created by a meteor? Then would people even know what happened if that thing fell into the ocean where nobody could see. I mean, all data collected by satellites etc. that could...
  10. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    I have no idea how that would work *lol* I'm a biologist, but physics have never been my strong suit. A vacuum is the absence of all matter, I'm guessing a false vacuum is not... I guess what it comes down to is - what environmental parameters make the usage of electricity possible? Is it...
  11. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    I knew it wouldn't be easy, everyone can do easy :smile: I'm not really thinking about disabling all electricity, I want there to be thunderstorms for example and I of course want life on Earth to be able to go on, otherwise there would be no point in writing about it. I guess what I need is...
  12. C

    Wanted: Brainstorming Partner for Permanent Global Blackout

    Hello, I hope this kind of plea is allowed here, if not, please just let me know. I'm new here :-) I have this story idea that seems to be taking up permanent residence in my head and it will be set around 200 years in the future...and here comes the catch: I need that future to be without...