Recent content by cghost

  1. C

    Solving Motion Equations for 2D Elastic Collisions

    Hi, I'm trying to make a 2d simulation of elastic colliding balls. I have a hard time deriving the motion equations after collision. For each ball i know the speed, the mass and the angle of movement. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find the general equations for this ? I need the...
  2. C

    How can i find a bijection from N( natural numbers) to Q[X]

    You proved here that there is a bijection from N to Q[x], but how can i write that function down ? Or you can't exactly explicit the function f : N -> Q[x] , f(x) = ... ? If it's a bijection, every natural number should point to a single polynom, is that right? Or Q[X] is defined as a set...
  3. C

    How can i find a bijection from N( natural numbers) to Q[X]

    How can i find a bijection from N( natural numbers) to Q[X] ( polynomials with coefficient in rational numbers ). I can't find a solution for this. Can you please point me in the right direction ?