Recent content by chatsash

  1. C

    Charge Conservation in Particle Collisions

    I did a quick search through the forums and didn't find the answers I was looking for, so I thought I'd ask. Does charge conservation still apply for collisions between elementary particles? I'm taking a second year foundations of physics course, and we were given a fairly simple looking...
  2. C

    Is it possible to identify something with sound?

    Light, I'm much more familiar with; I'm doing a lot of MRI work right now which utilizes that to an extent. The math... does tend to be fairly complex, but the basics can be..well...basic. Think of a single ray of light. You hit it at something and it bounces. Your detector picks it up and...
  3. C

    Displacement and Velocity Question

    Don't worry about it too much. A lot of these questions are reworked from old examples, and have just had their exponents, conditions, and coefficients changed. Maybe at one point they used t=2.5? Either way, when you're confident in your answer, it's best to just move on.
  4. C

    Is it possible to identify something with sound?

    The more specific you get, the more refined your method needs to be. Simply yelling at a cup...probably won't work in that case, but equipment has already been built for the job. For example, sonar uses sound waves to identify objects in water. It doesn't get confused between the ocean floor, a...
  5. C

    Displacement and Velocity Question

    Usually on this site people are really finicky about not giving away answers, but this is a simple enough problem, and your answer looks good anyway. It's good to cross reference your answer with the question, but depend on that too much and you're going to stress yourself to death.
  6. C

    Is it possible to identify something with sound?

    Of course you can. Bats and dolphins do it all the time! I won't go all national geographic on you though cause frankly, I'd suck at that. If you closed your eyes and yelled into a cave as opposed to an open field or concert hall, you'd be able to identify the general structure of the space...
  7. C

    What is the role of Fourier transform and k-space in MRI signal acquisition?

    I just started doing research in MRI coil design for my professor and I'm trying to figure out some basic concepts. In particular, how does the Fourier transform and k-space play a role in the signal acquisition? From my reading, I just know that somehow the signal is acquired in k space and is...
  8. C

    One integral problem + a couple of others problems.

    1) You really need to be able to understand that textbook example before you can do the question. Maybe review your integration notes and look at it again once you know how to do those general integrals. As you may recall, you can distribute the integral sign to both terms. It's actually just...