Recent content by Choragos

  1. C

    Programs What degree should I do next year?

    That looks like an interesting degree, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're looking for. If you want to work with and design medical equipment, you really don't need a degree in medicine. My wife designs medical equipment and has a Bachelors in mechanical and electrical...
  2. C

    Best way to prepare for Linear Algebra?

    After re-reading what I wrote, I was definitely unclear. I really didn't prepare at all. What I mean is, so long as your prof is reasonable, I don't think much preparation is necessary. However, pre-reading (or skimming) the books I suggested wouldn't hurt at all. One thing I might...
  3. C

    Best way to prepare for Linear Algebra?

    Gilbert Strang's book, Linear Algebra and its Applications, is an excellent reference. You can find earlier editions online for dirt cheap (I think I paid 6 bucks for my copy). There's also another, more applied book called Matrix computations by Golub and Van Loan. As far as preparation, I...
  4. C

    ADVICE: Physics or Engineering?

    I have to throw in my 2 cents and suggest engineering. However, everyone here is right. The first year will see mostly the same courses anyway, and you'll have plenty of time to decide later, after meeting the professors, the students, seeing the facilities, etc. Sometimes you can combine...
  5. C

    Time Series Analysis Prep for Undergrad | Self-Study Guide

    I also strongly suggest using Matlab/Octave or Python (or something equivalent) to program up examples. There's nothing like applying a filter and seeing the result immediately to cement the concepts in the books. If you're not familiar with a programming language, I would probably suggest...
  6. C

    Programs What degree should I do next year?

    My biggest suggestion is to not limit yourself. I went to the Colorado School of Mines for chemical engineering, and wound up enjoying the intro to Geology class, and now over a decade later I have a PhD in Geophysics and love what I do. Before Uni, I had no idea what Geophysics even was...
  7. C

    Is g affected by other sources of gravity?

    You are correct: all astronomical bodies do exert a force and thus affect 'g', as has been discussed. I work with gravity methods every day, and we have to account for the position of the sun and moon over the course of the day or our measurements will be thrown off quite a bit. The easiest...
  8. C

    Easy way to solve optimization problems

    Adding to Mr. Vickson's post (that is a cool website, by the way), many problems are set up as minimisations, that is wherever the function is at a minimum is your optimum solution. For example, in the case of fitting a line to a set of points (linear regression), you attempt to minimise the...
  9. C

    Second Derivative of Heaviside Function

    Thanks for your reply. I meant that the second derivative did not exist at x=0. My notation is sloppy (my apologies, I'm a geophysicist and a poor mathematician), but shouldn't H'=δ, where δ is the Dirac delta function? Proceeding from that, then the question becomes δ'=? That is why I...
  10. C

    Second Derivative of Heaviside Function

    Hello all. In short, I am wondering what the second derivative of the Heaviside function (let's say H[(0)]) would be. I'm presuming that it's undefined (or more accurately, zero everywhere but at x=0), but I would like to know if that is correct. Essentially, I am attempting to extend a...
  11. C

    Fortran Fortran 90 Replace Text on Screen - Andy's Question

    Indeed, it isn't overwriting for me either. I'm using 10 FORMAT(TL2I2) and 10 FORMAT(T1I2). The formatting is working, except that T will not move the cursor back over what has been written. It will advance, but not go back. Edit: by the way, I'm using both Intel and gfortran compilers.
  12. C

    Fortran Fortran 90 Replace Text on Screen - Andy's Question

    That looks like it will do it. Thank you.
  13. C

    Fortran Fortran 90 Replace Text on Screen - Andy's Question

    If I'm not mistaken, that only prevents advancement to the next line; it does not overwrite what is already there. I'll check it though and post results. Thanks!
  14. C

    MATLAB Plotting a 3D Function in Matlab: Visualizing the Evolution of a System

    You can also do this with the 'quiver' plot command. I have never have success using it, but I have seen other people have success so I can only assume it's possible. Hit up the ol' help quiver and see what you can come up with.
  15. C

    Fortran Fortran 90 Replace Text on Screen - Andy's Question

    It was buried in the FORMAT statement. I believe this is how it was done (I had to change the code and I believe this was the original version): 15 format('+Processing decay number ',I6) I believe it's that '+' sitting there. If that doesn't make any sense I'll go on the hunt and make sure...