Recent content by cytokinesis

  1. cytokinesis

    Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

    One answer is possible. The logical hero. What the hell am I on?
  2. cytokinesis

    Executioner Riddle: Can You Find the Answer?

    He said the God of Random is unpredictable, not silent, did he not?
  3. cytokinesis

    Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

    "Logical hero bones the telescope." When does a semi-logical un-hero become a semi-logical not-un-hero and subsequently morph into a logical hero?
  4. cytokinesis

    Why Do I Get Different Values for I2 in My Circuit Calculation?

    wow it really doesn't like that diagram. I will draw one up, upload it to my website and link to it from there. Here it is, please excuse the crude size, i did it in AppleWorks paint and I don't have a proper image cropping program here
  5. cytokinesis

    Why Do I Get Different Values for I2 in My Circuit Calculation?

    I'm going to feel kinda dumb once the answer to this question is revealed. But I can't seem to get the proper answer. The question is: What are the values of I1, I2, and I3 in the circuit? The ciruit looks like this: 20.0V I=positive terminal |-------I|-------| |...
  6. cytokinesis

    Is Physics Forums Still the Same?

    I like the 'i will try to come later ...' He makes it sound like it's a chore being here. lol
  7. cytokinesis

    Is Physics Forums Still the Same?

    lol! haha that was magical
  8. cytokinesis

    Why do we suffer and become addicted?

    Contrary to popular belief, satanism isn't about wildly running around, murdering people, raping women, doing drugs and sacrificing babies to the devil. It's merely about material gain versus spiritual gain. Satanism is based in striving for personal excellence. It's about denying the seven...
  9. cytokinesis

    Does anyone know MacOS X better than I do?

    Yeah I know I can make a screen saver after the login screen but I want to know if there is a way i can have one at the login screen just for the hell of it
  10. cytokinesis

    Does anyone know MacOS X better than I do?

    oh okay well can i have one for looks anyways? or at least make the screen go black. I also find it'd hard to sleep when i leave my computer running and the blue screen glowing like a treasure chest you'd see in the movies. Also, since I have an old bubble iMac i can't shut off the monitor...
  11. cytokinesis

    Does anyone know MacOS X better than I do?

    I'm wondering if there is a way that I can make a script or something like that so that my screen saver can turn on at the login screen. I don't want my screen dying from sitting at that blue screen for so long and I don't know how to set it up to do that. Any help would be appreciated greatly...
  12. cytokinesis

    Unexplained Figure Caught on Home Video: A Closer Look at the Belfast Ghost

    I didn't notice any shadows in the video, and I doubt spatial restrictions from this life last on in the next.
  13. cytokinesis

    Where Should You Place 8 Marks on a Blank 36 cm Ruler?

    *after you have the first centimetre then you can copy the 1 cm length over the ruler to measure everything
  14. cytokinesis

    Where Should You Place 8 Marks on a Blank 36 cm Ruler?

    First at 18 in the middle Then at 9 At 4.5 Divide that space in 3 so you have 1.5 and 3.0 And divide the 3.0 marking into 3 as well.