Recent content by doc2142

  1. D

    Finding Total resistance in a circuit.

    Wow I can't thank you enough you just showed me a very neat trick to simplifying some of those circuits. I wish my professor gives us pointers like this. Those 2 12's were really giving me the problem but after I did what you told me, made the problem so much easier. As for the Mesh I...
  2. D

    Finding Total resistance in a circuit.

    Ok thank you, one quick question though for the first loop. CW loop -24 + 7(I 1) + 4 (I 1 - I 2) + 12 (I ?) The last part, does the current split again after going through both 12 ohms? so would it be 12 (I 1 - I 2 - I 2 )? or would it just be 12 (I 1 - I 2)?
  3. D

    Finding Total resistance in a circuit.

    I am sorry this is my first 3 weeks in the class. I am having hard time applying any of those into my question since mine is a bit different. Can you elaborate a bit more on this.
  4. D

    Finding Total resistance in a circuit.

    What do you mean by loop it? do you mean just using the resistors on the outside lines? like the 7 - 2 - 2 - 10 with battery only? that will work? Also I am trying to reduce it to find the current and then divide the current up, however, I don't know how to find total resistance.
  5. D

    Finding Total resistance in a circuit.

    This is my first engineering course of many to come and I was hopping someone can shed some light on how to add some of those resistors in this network. Homework Statement See attached image, I must find the power of the 10 ohm resistor. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  6. D

    Calculating Initial Velocity for Symmetric Projectile Motion

    I am a bit confused about your hint. a reverse? what is that exactly mean like wouldn't it need a velocity to go from the hole in the wall to the top of the screen?
  7. D

    Calculating Initial Velocity for Symmetric Projectile Motion

    Homework Statement See image Homework EquationsSee image The Attempt at a Solution I have tried, but I honestly have no Idea how to start this problem.
  8. D

    Constant acceleration question

    Homework Statement A mouse leaves a hole in the baseboard and runs along the wall in a straight line towards a cupboard where cookies are stored, 12 meters from the hole. The mouse starts at rest and maintains a constant acceleration of 0.1m/s2 before reaching top speed of 1 m/s, which it...
  9. D

    Instantaneous velocity in a graph

    Homework Statement That is the link to my lab. My question is on page 5: Plot instantaneous velocity as a function of time. Recall that your data only indicates the average velocity of the glider for each...