Recent content by fournier17

  1. F

    Debunking Alien Captured On Video

    I don't know what it was. But whatever it was, seemed to be alien (strange,outsider) to those boys. I do know that a bipedal humanoid with an arm length of over a meter, is highly unusual.
  2. F

    Debunking Alien Captured On Video

    Ivan if you watch the video closely as the boy is walking along the edge of the sidewalk to get the ball, right after the arm reaches out he takes a side step into the grass. Also on the second video that I provided a link to in my first post; at 1:40 you can see cleary that the boy is being...
  3. F

    Debunking Alien Captured On Video

    Is there any reason to believe any ufo video is real? To believe that any video is authentic requires further inspection. When I first saw this video, my first impression was that it was a fake. But after watching the second video I provided a link for, I found this video worthy of...
  4. F

    Debunking Alien Captured On Video

    Below is a link to a video of a group of boys playing soccer in an alley in Mexico. At 0:29 an alien figure reaches for a boy. The quality of the video is not that great. It was recorded using a cell phone. The boys are speaking in spanish. I speak spanish so I can translate: The boy after...
  5. F

    Is 11 dimensional space infinite?

    Hey guys, I am a physics newbie that just gone done watching parallel universes. From what I understand M-theory predicts that our universe is a brane that all matter is attached to, and its floating in a 11 dimensional space. Is the 11 dimensional space infinite or finite? Also are the paralled...
  6. F

    Humans can maybe create a universe

    Here is a link to an interview of Brian Green on NPR. He talks about the creation of a universe. AMAZING!
  7. F

    Longer Digestive tracts not suited for meat consumption?

    You have to get essential amino acids somehow. I geuss you could say that in the PRESENT, animal product are not essential since someone could take amino acid supplements which would contain the essential amino acids. But in the past when those supplements did not exist, meat was indeed an...
  8. F

    Humans can maybe create a universe

    I was watching a video on Dr. Michio Kaku's page regarding how M-theory was developed. Towards the end of the video, it was said that theoratically a universe could be created in a laboratory. This universe would not effect our universe it would simply bud off our universe, then expand to cosmic...
  9. F

    Longer Digestive tracts not suited for meat consumption?

    Our degestive tract evolved to digest animal tissue and plant tissue. Meat is an essential part of the diet. Our body requires amino acids which are the building blocks of protiens. There is a total of 20 amino acids. Our body can produce most of the amino acids, but there are some amino acids...
  10. F

    Switching from biology to physics

    Thank you everyone for responding to my post. The master degree that I was referring to would be in physics, not biology. According to the advisor the classes for the master are the same as 3rd and 4th year undergraduate classes. What I wanted to do was take cal 1 this summer, cal-2...
  11. F

    Switching from biology to physics

    To make a long story short I always wanted to study physics, but was convinced to study biology by my parents so I could eventually pursue medicine as career. I am about to finish my biology degree next year. I would have taken Cal 1-3 and Cal based physics by the time I am done. I am trying to...
  12. F

    Unusual video or some secret experiment.

    What do you guys think about this video that was recently filmed at Lake Erie. Two helicopters hovering close together? The color of the lights are weird though. I've never seen an aircraft with these type of lights.
  13. F

    How Much Time Do You Spend Studying Per Week? - My 5 Hours

    This poll also includes hours in class, not soley study time outside of class.
  14. F

    Transfats vs. monounsaturated fats

    From a human nutrition course I took. Supposedly when unsaturated fats are broken down for energy, it requires more ATP to power all the enzymes then a saturated fat due to the double covalent bond located along the fatty acid chain. Since fats provide the same overall energy but it takes more...
  15. F

    Transfats vs. monounsaturated fats

    It all comes down to how much energy the body can derive from the fat molecule. Our body is able to derive more net energy from saturated fats then monounsaturated fats. This is due to monunsaturated fats having a double covalent bond some where along the fatty acid chain that saturated fats...