Recent content by Gravitons

  1. G

    Schools Want to be Physicist? Still in High School?

    Thank you everyone for giving me some sense. What I'm trying to say is just that this subject matter extremely fascinates me, I find space and cosmology so interesting, I just think the things that could come out of it are really endless. I want to know more about the universe, don't we all?
  2. G

    Cold Spot in CMB: Exploring Parallel Universe Theory

    Whats this all about the cold spot found on the WMAP satellite's photo of cosmic microwave background radiation? To explain this there's even been a possibility of a parallel universe's gravitational effect causing this cold spot?
  3. G

    What Is Dark Flow? A Look at the Phenomenon Observed in Galaxy Clusters

    I recently saw a show on the science channel about this phenomenon that was discovered by observing the movement of galaxy clusters. But I don't have a full understanding of what this is exactly?
  4. G

    Schools Want to be Physicist? Still in High School?

    My favorite things to learn about or read about is astronomy, physics, and cosmology. Until school starts up again, which i will be taking Pre Calc and AP physics and aerospace engineering, I was wondering if there's anything i can do now while i have nothing to do and am really bored?? I am...
  5. G

    What causes time dilation in gravitational fields?

    Oh thankyou i understand now. So does that mean the theoretical experiment about the black hole is true?
  6. G

    Has Fermilab "Shot Down" Higgs Boson Theory?

    I've read a couple articles about the recent incident at fermilab last week about them overlooking something. The Dzero team found something they missed. Well in the end it is said that the odds of the "god particle" being real have significantly gone down due to the results of this last...
  7. G

    What causes time dilation in gravitational fields?

    Im having a hard time understanding gravitational time dilation. I have two examples I've heard(from shows on the science channel): a theoretical experiment is you leave Earth in a spaceship and orbit outside the event horizon of a black hole for 1 year, its possible that when you come back to...
  8. G

    I'm stuck between two careers what do i do?

    So should i learn about both subjects isn't that kinda overload of information, and what about when i get to college, i can't have two majors, well you can, but what will that do i can;t have two careers. \ And just as a side note, are you like the only person on this whole forum, not to be...
  9. G

    Can you rip the space time fabric?

    Einsteins general relativity describes a fourth dimension regarding up down, left right, back and forth, the fourth is space time, aka a "fabric of space". Check it out genius:
  10. G

    I'm stuck between two careers what do i do?

    I mean the general subject, how about theoretical physicist.
  11. G


    I know cosmic waves are like tidal waves in water but in space, caused by supernovae or two colliding neutron stars, but what exactly is it? Like waves in water, what are the comsic waves on, space time, the fabric of space, and if one hit Earth what would happen?
  12. G

    Can you rip the space time fabric?

    Can you rip the space time fabric!? if there is a fabric of space, the four dimension you could call it, space time, is it possible to rip it or open it up, for example do black holes do that, if not what, what would happen?
  13. G

    Gluons relating to quantum chromodynamics

    I know gluons relating to quantum chromodynamics are the force that holds quarks or whole nuclei of the atom together, is it considered a particle, or since its a force,is it just representing something invisible, is it actually there, like quarks or protons and neutrons. The same with all bosons.
  14. G

    I'm stuck between two careers what do i do?

    Like i said above in the title, i can't choose from two careers, which are almost opposite from each other, quantum physics, and zoology. In my early years i enjoyed zoology and animals, but as i got older i shifted into quantum physics, i enjoy both very much, I'm not concerned about money. I...
  15. G

    How are black holes linked to worm holes, or are they the same thing,

    How are black holes linked to worm holes, or are they the same thing, for example can you use any of them to transport through space, and if you can, would it go to a different location of the universe your in, or can it go to another universe as in another dimension?