Recent content by greenmaze

  1. G

    Electric Flux of Non-Uniform Field in a Cube: Solving for Flux and Total Charge

    No, my prof hasn't done an example. Probably because there isn't enough time in a 5 week summer session. There are also no examples in my text dealing with non-uniform fields, which doesn't help. Thanks for the help. I think I can handle this problem from here.
  2. G

    Electric Flux of Non-Uniform Field in a Cube: Solving for Flux and Total Charge

    By \vec {E}(\vec r) do you mean this? The top side of the cube has the dimensions (.3, .3, 0) so \vec {E}(\vec r) would be: (-5.00 N/C\cdot m)(.3 m)\hat{i} + (0 N/C\cdot m)(.3 m)\hat{j} + (3.00 N/C\cdot m)(0 m)\hat{k} = (-1.5 N/C) \hat{i} + 0 \hat{j} + 0 \hat{k} Assuming that's correct...
  3. G

    Electric Flux of Non-Uniform Field in a Cube: Solving for Flux and Total Charge

    The non uniformity of the electric field in the following question is throwing me off. If the electric field were uniform I'd have no problem. I assume I would use the following equation to solve for each of the surfaces: \Phi = \int \vec{E} \cdot d \vec{A} I'm having a difficult time...