Recent content by hedons

  1. H

    John Hagelin's Research: M-Effect and DC/MD The primary author seems to have some pretty impressive scientific credentials (if Wikipedia is to be trusted). know anything about this?
  2. H

    Was Physics Misrepresented in the Movie Apollo 13?

    Physics is such a broad catelgory that almost any thing that is physical could quailfy. Some more than others though ;-) Here's a good one...
  3. H

    Was Physics Misrepresented in the Movie Apollo 13?

    * Factual errors: Before re-entry, Haise was reading voltage and amperage of the batteries. On two of the batteries there is no voltage, but he says there is some amount of amperage. Amperage cannot be present without some amount of voltage. That's physics. -Hedons
  4. H

    Was Physics Misrepresented in the Movie Apollo 13?

    Here are a few (not really what you're looking for, but errors nonetheless), but there are a few things that could be qualified as physics goofs. Goofs for Apollo 13 (1995) * Incorrectly regarded as goofs: The film contains an explicit notice that...
  5. H

    Hiesenberg uncertainty principle in 100 ACII characters or less

    Please paraphrase the Hiesenberg Uncertainty Principle in 100 ACII characters or less? Thanks!
  6. H

    Hangin' out near a black hole.

    Thanks Pervect! -Hedons
  7. H

    Hangin' out near a black hole.

    What would happen if you could travel at such a speed (faster than the escape velocity) as to have a stable orbit of a black hole just beyond the event horizon and you were to stick your hand inside the boundary? Would you be sucked in? Would your hand be taken but your velocity keeps you...
  8. H

    Need Help Designing a Gear for Toy Prototype

    Unfortunately, in this case, that is analagous to saying to find another way to design a Hoberman Sphere. :biggrin: The gears are primary to what this invention is all about. Luckily I am onto a lead through a friend of a friend who has some rather sophisticated gear design software...
  9. H

    Need Help Designing a Gear for Toy Prototype

    Unfortunately that is the part I don't know how to do. I have some postings up on other forums. Hopefully something will pan out. I found a gear designer who will do the design ($$$$). Ouch! Especially considering that I am doing this on my personal time and with my own money. -Glenn
  10. H

    Need Help Designing a Gear for Toy Prototype

    Nope, straight spline gears won't work. Those drawing I posted the links to were only for illustrating the geometric relationship between the two gears. They would never mesh. :frown: -Glenn
  11. H

    Need Help Designing a Gear for Toy Prototype

    Hi Fred, Here are a couple of drawings that will better describe the geometrical relationship of the two gears... 1 of 2.jpg 2 of 2.jpg The angular dimension on the first drawing is 48 degrees...
  12. H

    Need Help Designing a Gear for Toy Prototype

    Hi Fred, I was able to download a gear designer LSP for AutoCAD which allowed me to do what you mentioned; designing a custom angle bevel with a straight spline. But that still leaves me with only meeting the 48 degree requirement. I still have the 12 degree requirement to meet as well...
  13. H

    Need Help Designing a Gear for Toy Prototype

    Hi, I got hold of a copy of Machinery's Handbook which has a whole section on gears. After reading up a bit on gears, here is perhaps a better description of the gear set I am trying to come up with a design for. Two identical mating helix gears which have a bevel angle 48 of degrees and a...
  14. H

    Need Help Designing a Gear for Toy Prototype

    Hi, I am looking for some help designing a gear for an invention of mine. I know gear design basics, but this is a little beyond what I know. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The needed gear (to be made from plastic) is part of a toy and will be under very little stress. For my...
  15. H

    Einstein Smoked Pot? - Fact or Fiction?

    Could you mean Shakespeare? Carl Sagan smoked marijuana... -Glenn