Recent content by HeisenbergSon

  1. H

    Does matter convert to photons only?

    Looks like a bluffers forum here...a bit like string theory was.
  2. H

    Does matter convert to photons only?

    Is it too much to ask if two photons can combine to make a proton and an anti-proton? I never heard of photons 'colliding' with each other since there is nothing to collide...
  3. H

    Does matter convert to photons only?

    Is there any particle at all that would not make photons when it meets its anti-particle? neutrino? anti-quarks? What about any very unusual particle? Sorry to come at an odd angle on this one...
  4. H

    Does matter convert to photons only?

    So e does not equal mc squared for charged particles?
  5. H

    Does matter convert to photons only?

    When matter is turned to energy does this mean that all the quarks and other particles are converted to photons? I want to know if all particles can end up as photons (by any process at all). Its important to me to know this. Please answer only if you know the real answer without...