Recent content by Hons K Wyn

  1. Hons K Wyn

    Magnets and coils configuration for electricity generation

    Hi Jim, I've been reading up on my physics, and watching the DIY wind turbines. My physics is just first year university level, and even then, I've forgotten a lot of my physics. I'm able to make calculations for simple situations (e.g. where magnetic fields are assumed constant everywhere...
  2. Hons K Wyn

    Magnets and coils configuration for electricity generation

    Thank you for you reply Jim, Sorry for being vague, I was just giving any related information that my dad's giving me. I see that most configurations in motors and generators have the coils in the middle and the magnets on the outer side (as shown in the lawnmower engine above). May I ask your...
  3. Hons K Wyn

    Magnets and coils configuration for electricity generation

    My dad is working on a project where he intends to convert mechanical into electrical energy, and he was wondering if a particular magnet and coil configuration works for electricity generation. And if it does, how are the voltage and current calculated. Lets say: The coils have a diameter of...