Recent content by HumbleNoob

  1. H

    M-theory and Chaotic inflation

    It's particles. NO, it's waves. Actually guys it's both!. Funny how we know, until we know better. *Edit - my point is this. We are running with the idea that this singularity, that ended with a big bang, is a hypothesis, confirmed by observations, oberservations that could very well align...
  2. H

    M-theory and Chaotic inflation

    I don't have an issue with that if we are arguing that the universe is infinite, then, without all the fancy math, the resulting layers/parallels/dimensions, existing in the same space, would inherit this quality and be included when qualifying the universe as infinite. I have issue with saying...
  3. H

    M-theory and Chaotic inflation

    So what you are saying is, there is no validity to the Multiverse theory? That the rest of the academic community has stood back while some of the major contributors to the field simply want to make money off dullards like me...and nothing what so ever to do with unworkable odds? If this were...
  4. H

    M-theory and Chaotic inflation

    In particular, I have been watching BBC's Parallel Universes, and while I can accommodate the ideas, in a rather limited way, for Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 "multiverses", I cannot go with the idea put forward, that in the future, potentially, we could "ensure our survival" by "concentrating enormous...
  5. H

    M-theory and Chaotic inflation

    Hi, I am not currently studying, have never studied Astrophysics, so will no doubt come across as rather inadequate in trying to clarify, what my question actually is. Please forgive me for not using appropriate terminology, and, if this forum is not for the curious laymen in the general...