Recent content by Hunus

  1. Hunus

    Acceleration of an object to the speed of light.

    I'm reading Pauling's General Chemistry and he starts off his first chapter with, "Matter may be defined as any kind of mass-energy that moves with velocities less that the velocity of light, and radiant energy as any kind of mass-energy that moves with the velocity of light." I know that we...
  2. Hunus

    Euclid's Elements - The Application of Areas

    I figured out what was confusing me. My misconception was that I believed AB to be an infinite straight line with A and B only denoting the different directions of the line that had not yet been fixed -- in which case the proof would have ended after the construction of the parallelogram BEFG --...
  3. Hunus

    Euclid's Elements - The Application of Areas

    In Heath's commentary on Euclid's Elements he stresses the importance of the application of areas (Book I Proposition 44) with, "The marvellous ingenuity of the solution is indeed worth of the 'godlike men of old'...". The proposition, "To a given straight line to apply, in a given...
  4. Hunus

    Which text books would you recommend?

    Thanks for the reply Mathwonk. I know that this thread is very general, but I hope for replies with books on many different topics. Also, I have read your How to be a Mathematician thread several times over. I hoped for people to post just a few of the books that they really thought...
  5. Hunus

    Which text books would you recommend?

    For any mathematician or physicist, what textbooks do you consider a must read? Also, what books do you remember reading that gave you great insight into a topic which you previously did not have?
  6. Hunus

    Why Define a Bound Vector for Position and Velocity?

    Two vectors are parallel if they are multiples of each other ie \vec{a}= <1,2,3> is parallel to \vec{b}=<2,4,6> and \vec{c}=<3,6,9> and so on So the parameter t in \vec{a} = \vec{v}t just allows the vector \vec{r} to move along the line, where \vec{r} is the position vector of a point on...
  7. Hunus

    Textbooks Preparing for the IMO

    Check out these websites|tekstkut&p=0|knjige&p=0
  8. Hunus

    Expert Study Habits: Learn from the Greats

    I was just curious if anyone had any information on how 'the greats' went about studying. People such as Feynman, Einstein, etc. studied. Of course omit the scientists who mastered analysis by the age of 5 like Neumann and Landau.
  9. Hunus

    Question on Landau and Lifshitz volumes

    What are the mathematical prerequisites of these books? In particular, what are the mathematical prerequisites of volume I?
  10. Hunus

    Regarding action reaction forces

    When I apply a force to a wall and the force applies a contrary force, what is causing the wall to apply this force on my hand on the atomic scale?
  11. Hunus

    Books that cover Circular coordinates

    I am currently using a physics book that has many problems involving circular coordinate systems, but doesn't cover them very thoroughly. Does anyone have any recommendations on books that give thoroughly cover circular coordinate systems?
  12. Hunus

    How to do arithmetic with an abacus? Covers everything from how to do addition on the abacus to how to extract square roots.
  13. Hunus

    Physics Textbooks with complete solutions

    Take a look at A.P. French's Newtonian Mechanics (MIT Introductory). The book doesn't work out many examples but it does use calculus and does have all of the answers in the back of the book.
  14. Hunus

    Ions & Electron Transfer: How Does it Work?

    How do ions allow the transfer of electrons through a solution?
  15. Hunus

    How do you find the molecular mass and formula using gas densities?

    How does one use ratios of gas densities to estimate the molecular mass and find the molecular formulas?