Recent content by i-love-physics

  1. I

    Mechanics of Materials questions

    I found the answer to the questions. I used principles of superposition. You could have told me to just read about principles of superposition but you probably had no clue yourself. Thanks for trying though.
  2. I

    Mechanics of Materials questions

    ok so if s3 = (25000)*(1500) / (70000)*(490.87) then = 1.091 mm so what do I do now to find t1 and t2?
  3. I

    Mechanics of Materials questions

    Thanks for the help so pretty much s2/s1 = t2/t1 and L*s3 = t1*s1 + t2*s2 k so how do i figure out what s3 is?? as the formula for deflection is (T)(L) / (E)(A) for s3 what would the L be? and what would the e and a be? I am still lost :(
  4. I

    Mechanics of Materials questions

    The problem is that there are too many unknowns when I try and find the reactions. For example If I take moments at A = 0 Then Force CD is a unknown and Force EF is a unknown IF i take moments at C = 0 Then force Ay is unknown and Force Ef is unknown I am stuck :(
  5. I

    Mechanics of Materials questions

    Hello Everyone I have a mechanics of materials questions which I have been stuck on for hours, I just can't figure it out. Attached is the questions. I know the formula for deflection which is PL/ AE but what do i do with that formula in this situation? Any help would be...
  6. I

    How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation to Find Dimensions of a Rectangle?

    so what i did was corrent, i just got to use the quadradic formula and that's it yeh?
  7. I

    How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation to Find Dimensions of a Rectangle?

    Homework Statement The force (in Newtons) that air exerts on a surface is given by the formula F = 10^5A Where A is the surface area (in square metres). Suppose that the air supplies 10^6 Newtons of force on a rectangular surface that is 2 metres longer than it is wide. Find the...
  8. I

    Simple trig identification equation question which i can not answer

    thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you SO MUCH!. I realize what i did wrong, i was using the wrong identity, you know how cos2a = 2sinx^2 -1 I was using that identity instead of the sin^2x + cos^2x = 1 identity. Just out of curiousity, say i used that first identity...
  9. I

    Simple trig identification equation question which i can not answer

    Homework Statement Solve for X Homework Equations 2sin^2x - cosX - 1 = 0 The Attempt at a Solution I have gone in this order I turned 2sin^2x into 1 - cos2x so 1 - cos2x - cosx -1 = 0 This turns into Cos2x + cosx = 0 I don't know what to do next... could...
  10. I

    Can someone give me a hint please for a log question

    Homework Statement Solve for Y in terms of X Homework Equations 2log_5X/ log_53 - log_5Y = 2 The Attempt at a Solution I know all the properties of logs, i just don't know how to apply them to this problem. The answers in the book are . y = 1/25x^2/log_53 When i am...
  11. I

    Logarithmic into exponential form

    Okay i understand this but this leads to a more complicated problem T - N = log2 N The exponential form therefore equals = 2^x-y = y NOW, if the question ask you to sketch a graph for this function, how would you do it??, it would be impossible because in order to get the value of...
  12. I

    Logarithmic into exponential form

    Is T = n + log2 N the same as T = Nlog2 N? How would you write T = n + log2 N as a exponential form would it be 2^t-2 = N or would it be 2^t = N^N or would it be 2^T/n = N :(?
  13. I

    Logarithmic into exponential form

    i think i am starting to get it... In my book it only talks about Y = logb X It didnt say anything about Y = M logb X I think i see the picture now. Thanks for the replys.
  14. I

    Logarithmic into exponential form

    lets say for example 4 = log3 81 that in exponential form would equal 81 = 3^4 so that means for Y = logb X The exponential form is X = B^Y so when i am giving the equation N = 0.2 log4 V when chaning that to exponential form does that give me V = (0.2)(4^N) ? i just...
  15. I

    Logarithmic into exponential form

    Homework Statement Write this logarithmic form into exponential form Homework Equations N = 0.2 Log4 V The Attempt at a Solution I tried V/0.2 = 4^N doesnt seem to work. I've tried doing various inverse functions but that doesn't seem to work either, giving me a headack :(