Recent content by j824h

  1. j824h

    Drop a ball - where does the energy go?

    As mentioned by dauto the heat dissipates very fast, I don't think alcohol will be effective since the temperature will go below the flash point even before oxygen is supplied.
  2. j824h

    Can you solve the pendulum with obstacles? Find the equation of movement!

    I can note that the obstacle is a cycloid. This might help.
  3. j824h

    Understanding Wien's Law: Power Radiated & Wavelength

    E in E=hc/λ you mentioned, seems to be the energy of a single photon with wavelength λ. What you're dealing with in Wien's law is the energy distribution for whole blackbody radiation - the number of photon is never distributed uniformly over the wavelength in blackbody radiation. That...
  4. j824h

    Array of magnets around a sphere

    How much 'uniformly' do you mean? You know, N discrete magnets cannot be in a uniform distribution. What are the exact locations of the magnets? To get quantitative result, we need more specific information than just that they are on a sphere. I think I can get some numerical solutions once I...
  5. j824h

    Is the speed of a wave dependent on the speed of the source?

    We need to clarify what the speed of wave is. Generally, speed of wave is the constant c which makes the wave equation \frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial x^2}=\frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial t^2}, holds in any reference frame. And you should note that it's the reference frame what...