Recent content by Jakevsnake

  1. Jakevsnake

    Do rare earth magnets interfere with RF?

    I guess the question now is how close is close with regards to the PCBA? I know my cell phone gets mounted in my car with a strong magnetic mount and there are no issues. The magnets would stand about a 1/2inch from the outside of the chassis. I may have to consider some design changes if...
  2. Jakevsnake

    Do rare earth magnets interfere with RF?

    Thanks for the input. I do appreciate you keeping your clothes on :)
  3. Jakevsnake

    Do rare earth magnets interfere with RF?

    Im a bit of a physics newb so bare with me. I am designing a product that uses rare Earth magnets as a mounting solution for radar detectors and wanted to know if these magnets would somehow interfere with the performance of the radar detector? The magnets will not be mounted to the detector...