Recent content by Jhero

  1. J

    MHB What is the graph of the function with an initial value problem of 2.2.21?

    to Klazs for the original graph.\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.6][declare function = {radius(\phi)=sqrt((3*sin(\phi)+cos(\phi)) / (sin(\phi)^3 -cos(\phi)^3)); },]% \draw[help lines] (-3,-2) grid (3,4);\draw[->] (-3,0) -- (2.4,0);\draw[->] (0,-2) -- (0,3.2);%\draw foreach \i in {-3,...,3} {(\i,-0.1)...
  2. J

    MHB How to solve an expression with inverse of exponential distribution

    One possible solution is to use a truncated exponential distribution. This means that you can bound the range of possible values for h and use the truncated distribution to compute the expected value of E.For example, if you set a hard upper bound of h at h_max, then you can compute the expected...
  3. J

    MHB Classic Car Rarity: Probability of 41%, 9%, 6%, 65%, 30%, 9% Options

    The probability of one vehicle having all these attributes is very low, as all the percentages would need to add up to 100%.
  4. J

    MHB Probability Density Function of Average Value of Log-Normal Trials

    The probability density function of Y is given by the Central Limit Theorem, which states that for a sufficiently large number of trials, the distribution of the average of a random variable tends to a normal distribution with mean equal to the mean of the original distribution and variance...
  5. J

    LaTeX Preamble for setting up a latex/pdf for homework or writing test.

    \begin{center}{\Large \bf Exam Title} \\\vspace{.2in}{\small Instructor's Name} \\{\small Course Name} \\{\small Date}\end{center}\toppageoneexam\graphspace\noindent Here is where your exam starts! \end{document}
  6. J

    A References Request: Factor Analysis on Non-Continuous Variables

    Some helpful sources for learning more about Factor Analysis on Non-Continuous variables include:1. “Exploratory Factor Analysis with Non-Continuous Variables” by Bertram C. Bruce (2003).2. “Applied Factor Analysis in the Natural Sciences” by Robert E. McGrath (2010).3. “Factor Analysis: An...
  7. J

    Change in Energy and Angular Momentum Upon Decreasing Orbit

    (i) Yes, the four-velocity can be interpreted as a circular orbit, as it represents a constant velocity in the φ direction while remaining stationary in the t direction. This is consistent with a circular orbit where the particle maintains a constant speed while moving in a circular path. (ii)...
  8. J

    A Need help with regression modeling in Minitab?

    For this project, you can use Minitab to run the regression analysis. First, you will need to enter your data into Minitab. This can be done by selecting "Data > Enter Data" and selecting the columns with your data. After entering the data, you can then run the regression analysis. To do this...
  9. J

    I Status of CH & Large Cardinals in New Foundations

    A:The axiom of choice is equivalent over ZF (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory) to the statement that every set can be well ordered. The generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH) is equivalent over ZF to the statement that every subset of a set of reals has either the same cardinality as the reals or the...
  10. J

    MHB Cordial Labeling of 4-Regular Graphs: Seeking Answers

    The study of cordial labeling of 4-regular graphs has been done before. A result by M.F. Price in 1978 states that a 4-regular graph admits a cordial labeling if and only if it is planar. This means that if the given 4-regular graph is planar, then it has a cordial labeling. In order to...
  11. J

    I How Do Large Cardinals Influence the Definition of Zero Sharp?

    .Large cardinals are related to 0# because they are used to give a meaning to the uncountable cardinal ℵi which is part of the definition of 0#. The extra constant symbols are necessary to give a precise definition to the set of Goedel numbers that are part of 0#. Without them, the definition...
  12. J

    MHB Dividing students into groups, with a diversity rule

    The number of different possible groupings is equal to the number of permutations of the 52 students, divided by the number of ways to rearrange the members of each group.Assuming that each group must contain at least 2 members, there are a total of $\frac{52!}{2^9 \cdot 3^7 \cdot 4^{11} \cdot...
  13. J

    MHB How can we define the relations?

    Can you help me?Yes, you can define the relations $y_1(0) = 1$ and $y_2(0) = 1$ in the language $\{+, \cdot , \frac{d}{dx} , 0, 1\}$ as follows:$y_1(0)=1 \Leftrightarrow \exists F : xF + F = y_1-1$$y_2(0)=1 \Leftrightarrow \exists G : xG + G = y_2-1$
  14. J

    Uncertainties and LINEST in Excel....

    One way to incorporate the errors from the values of force and B^2 into your linear regression fit is to use a weighted linear regression. This approach takes into account the uncertainties associated with each data point and assigns a weight to each respective value. The weights are determined...
  15. J

    MHB Description of simplex algorithm

    We can use the two equations to find a contradiction. Substituting the first equation into the second equation, we have:$$\lambda_2 (x_{20}- \theta x_{2j})+\lambda_3 (x_{30}- \theta x_{3j})+ \dots+ \lambda_m (x_{m0}- \theta x_{mj})+\lambda_j \theta=b$$Now, since the $\lambda_i$s are not all...