Recent content by johnscitech

  1. J

    A Temp of Moving Body: 110 Yrs of Debate | Current Tech Update?

    According to this scientific report ( ) written in 2017 : " The construction of a relativistic thermodynamics theory is still controversial after more than 110 years. To the date there is no agreement on which set of relativistic transformations...
  2. J

    A What is your opinion of Linear Canonical Transformations?

    To my knowledge, pentadimensional theories have been around in physics for decades. There are even theories which use a spacetime having a dimension greater than 5. The de Sitter relativity, which is discussed in the preprint, for instance, have a pentadimensional background. But it is true that...
  3. J

    A What is your opinion of Linear Canonical Transformations?

    Thank you for your reaction. My goal is to have "objective opinions" on the scientific content of this preprint with a critical thinking. If people give opinion against it and i see that there are probably scientific flaws in these opinions, as a scientist and researcher, it is natural for me...
  4. J

    What are the latest developments in theories beyond the Standard Model?

    Thank you! I studied physics... and now I am preparing my doctorate. I am looking for a good fresh topic. I am particularly interested in theories beyond the Standard Model but of course I have to limit myself to things I could handle :)
  5. J

    A What is your opinion of Linear Canonical Transformations?

    Thank you for your answer , it really helps me in analyzing it. However after reading your arguments, I read the paper again and it seems like your first and second arguments against them are not very fair if i can say that :) 1-"They seem to use a naive relativistic version of the canonical...
  6. J

    How Was Einstein Really As a Student?

    Hi , it's very interesting to know the truth beyond the myth. Thanks for the share
  7. J

    What are the latest developments in theories beyond the Standard Model?

    Hello everyone, This is my introduction. I am a young student-researcher in physics and i am interested in all areas of science and technology. Wishing to have good exchange with you.
  8. J

    A What is your opinion of Linear Canonical Transformations?

    Hello everyone, I looked for the best physics forum to ask this question because the subject interests me a lot. The authors of this preprint ( seem to claim that their approach (using linear canonical transformations) is a new alternative way for the...