Recent content by KobiashiBooBoo

  1. KobiashiBooBoo

    B Observable universe and overlapping spheres

    Thanks, so in A we observe B, B observes C, etc. My assumption is that B is the same because we can see it. That would necessitate C etc being the same.
  2. KobiashiBooBoo

    B Observable universe and overlapping spheres

    We observe a very distant galaxy, thanks to the JWST. That galaxy has the same laws of physics as we do. Now imagine yourself in that galaxy, in your observable sphere of the universe, using your own telescope, looking in a direction opposite our current one from earth. Would we be able to...
  3. KobiashiBooBoo

    I Did James Webb cast serious doubt on the Big Bang?

    It's amazing to try to comprehend this: a dense region of infinite space compared to post-inflation region of infinite space. If Webb finds that galaxies form much earlier than previously theorized, it just shows we have more work to do.
  4. KobiashiBooBoo

    I Brian Cox and the end of the Universe?

    Brian Cox is pop-sci - elsewhere in this forum we are instructed to be wary. Just a thought.
  5. KobiashiBooBoo

    B The distance to the nearest identical Hubble volume in light years?

    Everything could be exactly the same except a blade of grass is missing from the Browns/Steelers game (non-scientific, I know, sorry)
  6. KobiashiBooBoo

    B The distance to the nearest identical Hubble volume in light years?

    Maybe it's easier to understand if one stated there are an infinite amount of Earths exactly like our own at all times of history and evolution. (In which case it is conjecture and risks the thread being closed.)
  7. KobiashiBooBoo

    B Age of Universe: Big Bang, Braneworlds & Perspective

    Just re-read the above. I've learned so much since then. What an amazing thing to think about.
  8. KobiashiBooBoo

    I Successful predictions from anthropics? (History of science question)

    The dart in the bullseye says "There should be more darts in bullseyes, how else did we end up here? It must have been quite likely."
  9. KobiashiBooBoo

    I Successful predictions from anthropics? (History of science question)

    I'm beginning to think it's just us out there (here).
  10. KobiashiBooBoo

    B How did the universe start and evolve into what it is today?

    Never thought of it that way - thanks for a new perspective.
  11. KobiashiBooBoo

    B Age of Universe: Big Bang, Braneworlds & Perspective

    Here's the link:
  12. KobiashiBooBoo

    B Age of Universe: Big Bang, Braneworlds & Perspective

    Many people aren't physicists or have the ability or time to become experts. That's why we need you!
  13. KobiashiBooBoo

    B Age of Universe: Big Bang, Braneworlds & Perspective

    Thanks, I'm not sure I have the background to identify those parts. For example, I did enjoy the string theory landscape explanations, but it took me a while to get the idea. I would not know if this was inaccurate, and I am sure things have changed since then. (re: Fabric of the Cosmos and The...
  14. KobiashiBooBoo

    B Age of Universe: Big Bang, Braneworlds & Perspective

    Can't stand Kaku or anything on tv. They aren't really going as in depth as they could. Greene takes liberties on his series but I enjoyed his first few books.
  15. KobiashiBooBoo

    B Age of Universe: Big Bang, Braneworlds & Perspective

    Thanks vela. I started my journey with Sagan as a youngster, and recently read Susskind, Smolin, and Greene - and the odd bits here and there. I have to say discovering this forum has been really informative. Better late than never!