Recent content by kumar1405

  1. kumar1405

    Steam Generator Technology in Nuclear Power Plants

    Thank you very much for your reply. please could you send me the link or information about the study done by C-E.
  2. kumar1405

    Steam Generator Technology in Nuclear Power Plants

    Thank you very much for giving me links and details .
  3. kumar1405

    Steam Generator Technology in Nuclear Power Plants

    Yeah i found information about steam generators . Like how it work ,different types of steam generators,materials used for it ,about U-tubes,issues ,degradation and some more details . Actually iam looking for the development of steam generators from generation -1 to generation -4.
  4. kumar1405

    Steam Generator Technology in Nuclear Power Plants

    hi every one , I need an information about the development of steam generator technology in nuclear power plants . please suggest me some websites or textbooks for reference . thank you in advance .
  5. kumar1405

    About contol rods used in boiling water reactor

    thank you for your valuable answer .
  6. kumar1405

    What Does It Take to Become a Nuclear Engineering Student?

    thank you for your suggestion.
  7. kumar1405

    What Does It Take to Become a Nuclear Engineering Student?

    my name is sujith . i am a nuclear engineering student .
  8. kumar1405

    About contol rods used in boiling water reactor

    why Cross shaped contol rods used in boiling water reactor? thanks in adavance for answer .