Recent content by ldefeo1

  1. L

    What Are Some Innovative UAV Project Ideas for a Third-Year Dissertation?

    Need a third year project ASAP! hi guys i need to think up a project to do as my dissertation next year. i had to choose but unfortunately i didnt get any of my options. i spoke to the guy who i wanted to do a project with originally and he said he would be happy to take me onto a similar...
  2. L

    Which of these degree paths will give me the best prospect

    hi i am a second year mechanical engineer at Southampton uni, we get to choose a theme for the remaining 2 years. just looking for a bit of general advice here. the options i like the sound of are advanced materials - should be quite an easy option and should be lots of jobs in this ...
  3. L

    Programs Which degree path to specalise in.

    hi i am a second year mechanical engineer at Southampton uni, we get to choose a theme for the remaining 2 years. the options i like the sound of are advanced materials - should be quite an easy option and should be lots of jobs in this ? bioengineering - sounds quite interesting might be...
  4. L

    Some really basic electronics questions.

    yeh sorry still not following the process of drawing current from the grid. your saying the system instantly generates more power? from where? by what means. where is this dormant power and how is it manifested. thanks. if everyone switched off their lights all of a sudden what happens to the...
  5. L

    Some really basic electronics questions.

    thanks for your response MATLAB dude. 1 and 2 were clear cheers but can you (or someone) clarify 3 for me. so your saying you turn on your appliance which draws current, what do you mean the systems catches up? also how would a power station even generate more watts of electricity if it wanted...
  6. L

    Some really basic electronics questions.

    hi there I am a mech eng second year student and i have some electrical modules that i have to do though i just don't have much of a intuitive feel for it like i do for mechanical stuff. anyway some stuff i really should know but dont. 1) ac circuits. these as a whole confuse me, my...