Recent content by LentilSoup7

  1. LentilSoup7

    Home experiment - 'seeing' magnetic lines of force?

    Oh excellent that sounds like a gooden' Thanks for that, I'll give that ago!
  2. LentilSoup7

    Home experiment - 'seeing' magnetic lines of force?

    Excellent video, that's what I'm after. Thanks for the advice :D
  3. LentilSoup7

    Home experiment - 'seeing' magnetic lines of force?

    Hi anorlunda, thanks for the advise and caution. I am working from home unsupervised however I feel I am competent to perform basic tests and measurements safely. I have various control measures in place that reduce the level of risk to a level I feel acceptable. I understand that safety is...
  4. LentilSoup7

    Home experiment - 'seeing' magnetic lines of force?

    Thought of doing this one years ago! Basically, I want to 'see' the magnetic force lines that surround a conductor when energized (with an alternating current). I appreciate that what I will see (or at least I am hoping to see) is the pattern formed by the iron dust in response the the field...