Recent content by lilythmagebor

  1. L

    Is our sun part of a star cluster?

    Because I was curious about this, I read here that, "Our own Sun is part of an open cluster than includes other nearby stars such as Alpha Centauri and Barnard's star." However, I cannot find any other pages claiming this, and the wikipedia entry on star clusters does not mention us being...
  2. L

    Cold Welding: Can Asteroids Fuse?

    Thanks for answering my questions, all. Seems like this is just another one of those science facts that, while a fact, gets exaggerated. The article made it seem like any metal would fuse in a vacuum if it didn't have that layer of oxidation. (I first read the fact here: ...
  3. L

    Cold Welding: Can Asteroids Fuse?

    "Cold welding" question My husband posed an interesting question to me that I can't rightly answer, not being any kind of expert, when I told him about the fact that metals fuse if they come into contact with one another in space. If an asteroid collides with another asteroid, will the two...
  4. L

    What Lies Beyond Quarks in the Quest for Understanding Electromagnetism?

    Note: I am not studying the topic in a class. I'm a complete layman when it comes to physics, so you may have to provide lots of detail in small words for me to really understand, heh. This was my stream of consciousness thought process: Radio wave > electromagnetic radiation > magnetism >...
  5. L

    How animals communicate a plan to a group?

    These complicated tasks are communicated both by instinct and by communication. Nearly all animals can communicate by one of these two methods. Not all communication is achieved through voice, though in your example of dolphins, whales, and chimps, they most certainly -do- have a complex vocal...
  6. L

    Why are we so sensitive to bodily odors?

    Correct. This is the response that better answers the question. Your body doesn't by itself stink. It's the bacteria that flock to the moisture on your body that stinks. And because many bacteria are not kind to us, we have an adverse response to this. The fact that people used to go months...
  7. L

    Why do we as humans enjoy kissing?" is a good read if you're interested in this. Kissing as it is now is European in origins, and many cultures did not engage in kissing until introduced to it. One study shows that kissing between lovers evolved from the more innocent kiss from a mother to their...
  8. L

    How far can 'x' travel at a speed of 'y' assuming 'z' external influences

    I'm trying to determine how far a specific object can travel when ejected at a specific speed assuming specific external influences. Vague, I know, so here's the detailed question." for more information on measuring underwater psi). My question is, how...