Recent content by LizzleBizzle

  1. L

    Ideal gas law and a bicycle pump

    Homework Statement When you push down on the handle of a bicycle pump, a piston in the pump cylinder compresses the air inside the cylinder. When the pressure in the cylinder is greater than the pressure inside the inner tube to which the pump is attached, air begins to flow from the pump to...
  2. L

    Rigid equilibrium question involving a ladder

    Ah ha. After a second cup of coffee, I gained a little more inspiration...thank you for the hints. So here's what I have so far, but maybe I have missed something: I changed my point of rotation to the front end, as suggested. I accounted for the weight of the ladder. I found the center of...
  3. L

    Rigid equilibrium question involving a ladder

    Homework Statement "Three people are carrying a horizontal ladder 4.00 m long. One of them holds the front end of the ladder, and the other two hold opposite sides of the ladder the same distance from its far end. What is the distance of the latter two people from the far end of the ladder...