Recent content by Lula Belle

  1. L

    See Saw Balance: Heavier Person & Fulcrum

    no, a lobotomy doesn't help with Multiple Sclerosis.
  2. L

    See Saw Balance: Heavy Person & Fulcrum

    I am so sorry to ask such a dumb question. I have a medical condition which prevents me from being able to figure things out as well as I used to. Please forgive me.
  3. L

    See Saw Balance: Heavier Person & Fulcrum

    I am so sorry to have asked such a stupid question. I have a medical condition that prevents me from figuring things out as well as I once did. Please forgive me.
  4. L

    See Saw Balance: Heavy Person & Fulcrum

    on a see saw when one person weighs much more than the other, does the heavier person need to move closer to the fulcrum to balance out the weight?
  5. L

    Difference between static friction and kinetic friction

    Wish teachers knew that often they word things differently than they really mean to
  6. L

    See Saw Balance: Heavier Person & Fulcrum

    If a person weighing 100 lbs is on a see saw with someone weighing 50 lbs, does the heavier person need to be closer to the fulcrum so that the see saw will balance?