Recent content by mans

  1. M

    Auto n Aero Design - Learn Mechanical Engineering

    thaxs for ur advice brewnog...actually i m new to the forums so i m not dat much used to all ways...hope u will b there to help me out wen ever i need some help
  2. M

    Auto n Aero Design - Learn Mechanical Engineering

    help me i am working on designing a car and started working on few softwares as well like maya,blender,solidworks..if there is any other software or book which you thing may be helpful to me please let me..u can mail me at you can help me in any case...please do so
  3. M

    Softwares for mechanical engineering

    some one please recommend me some good softwares for auto n aero designing...please please if ne one has ne knowlegde regarding dis...please help me out
  4. M

    Auto n Aero Design - Learn Mechanical Engineering

    hey help me out engineers or ne one...i m really rearing to go...i hust need a lilltle push..come on please
  5. M

    Auto n Aero Design - Learn Mechanical Engineering

    well...if ne one could help me out on wat kind of softwares i can well as wat books to refer...please help me out
  6. M

    Auto n Aero Design - Learn Mechanical Engineering

    auto n aero designs hey...i m deeply interested in auto n aero designing..but i don't u know how to start...i m rt now doing my engineering 1st in mechanical...i want to know wat software n books can i refer...n how to work on it...please please please help one can directly contact...
  7. M

    Auto n Aero Design - Learn Mechanical Engineering

    hey...i deeply interested in auto n aero desinging...if ne one could help me out...please please please do...i m rt doing my enggineering 1st yr in mechanical...u can directly mail me at