Recent content by Marwan_Ahmed

  1. M

    Get Advice on Publishing Physics Proof on Gravitational Time Dilation

    please check last four papers please they are better than the first 3 ones which i was sure that they are wrong but needed your confirmation Give me a last chance & see the last 4 papers
  2. M

    Get Advice on Publishing Physics Proof on Gravitational Time Dilation

    of course sir i want to learn physics but my dad & mom insisted on learning medicine instead then please the first three papers means nothing to me please check the last four papers please give me a chance the first three papers i was sure 90% that they are wrong but the last four...
  3. M

    Get Advice on Publishing Physics Proof on Gravitational Time Dilation

    please sir if it's so bad you have your opinion to say but don't hurt other people feelings I'm only 18 and this is good that I'm thinking in such a thing
  4. M

    Get Advice on Publishing Physics Proof on Gravitational Time Dilation

    please sir if it's so bad you have your opinion to say but don't hurt other people feelings I'm only 18 and this is good that I'm thinking in such a thing
  5. M

    Get Advice on Publishing Physics Proof on Gravitational Time Dilation

    My prove & the theory of motion well this is the prove I worked on along last 6 months some says it's true other says it has a missing part , well this is their opinion & I will never give up
  6. M

    Get Advice on Publishing Physics Proof on Gravitational Time Dilation

    I did what you told me bro I registered but i don't know what to do next sorry I'm new on the web world
  7. M

    Get Advice on Publishing Physics Proof on Gravitational Time Dilation

    No no relativity is 100% true i'm sure of that all what I'm trying to reach is proving gravitotinal time dilation with another way which based on it i could reach a new idea Motion & velocity fields on the Earth
  8. M

    Get Advice on Publishing Physics Proof on Gravitational Time Dilation

    Please everybody, I need your advice I have a proof in physics it's about Gravitotinal time dilation & also I'm about to put a basics in a theory about velocity & motion based on the proof. all what i need is an advice telling me where to puplish it safely that no one could take it...
  9. M

    Is time runs faster at the top of a building or at the bottom ?

    No my dear I'm talking about time dilatation Relativity General Relativity Time dilate time is like a river not like an arrow
  10. M

    Is time runs faster at the top of a building or at the bottom ?

    :confused: Is time runs faster at the top of a building or at the bottom...?