Recent content by muadib2k

  1. M

    News Will Israel's Strikes Escalate to Full-Scale War?

    continuing occupation? What was wrong with the Barak deal that arafat had to reject it ? could you please define "new settlements" and possibly name some ?.
  2. M

    Displaying a picture in a dialog box

    If you are just starting with windows programming, then using the Win32 API (i.e. the functions provided with the windows header files) might be a tad too difficult. You could do a quick google search on LibSDL or even Allegro as they will simplify your programming by a great deal. If you do...
  3. M

    Top Biology Journals: 65 Characters

    It really depends on what discipline of biology you are interested in. Nature and Science are great, and cover some very interesting research, but they are quite multi-disciplinary. For example, for all things pharmacology the British Journal of Pharmacology (pubslihed by Nature group) is very...
  4. M

    News Will Israel's Strikes Escalate to Full-Scale War?

    Maybe if Hamas did not store is weapons, stage war or fire missiles from civilian homes, those home would not be destroyed. I'm aware that Sharon got on the wrong side of many Israelis when he forced hundreds of families to evacuate their settlements not too long ago.
  5. M

    News Will Israel's Strikes Escalate to Full-Scale War?

    The current conflict was most likely initiated by Iran on the eve of the G8 summit. Iran is under a lot of stress due to its nuclear ambitions and the gathering of the G8 would have no doubt produced even more pressure. By activating a second front through its proxy in Lebanon, world focus is...
  6. M

    News Will Israel's Strikes Escalate to Full-Scale War?

    Ideally, in a perfect world, I would agree with that statement. In fact, the world would be a much better place if that were true. However the problem, in my personal opionion, is that there is a complete lack of desire by some elements, and even countries, in the region to compromise. In...
  7. M

    News Will Israel's Strikes Escalate to Full-Scale War?

    No I agree with you that it is not in the same contex of a modern day state, that was not what I was trying to convey. I was simply trying to show that "Zionists" simply do not claim that area of the world based on events in the past few hundreds of years, but (in part) based on historical ties...
  8. M

    News Will Israel's Strikes Escalate to Full-Scale War?

    Prior to the Roman empire (thousands of years ago) there was a country by the name of Israel situated in the same area where the modern state of Israel is. And thousands of years ago (thousands of years prior to creation of Islam), Jerusalem was the capital city. Can anybody name a single...
  9. M

    News Will Israel's Strikes Escalate to Full-Scale War?

    I Think its important to remember several historical events that led to the conflict today. Several years ago when Israel withdrew from the buffer zone it occupied in southern Lebanon (which they took over previously to prevent exactly what is happening today...namely rocket attacks) a UN...
  10. M

    Can hugging a hot-water bottle really help with pain relief?

    Through my casual surfing of news sites I've come across this article, and I thought that it's really cool. For those of us who were curious as to why a little bit of heat can help reduce pain: .
  11. M

    Estimating the Speed of Evolution: Theoretical Approaches & Limitations

    You could probably estimate the rate of random mutations an organism undergoes, but when it comes to "measuring" natural selection you would hit a dead end (I would think). There are simply too many factors that would influence the manner by which natural selection would work. And while...
  12. M

    Programming language to make a forum

    once you write your php program you will need to download the php library (if you haven't already done so). In most cases php programs are executed by a webserver (apache, IIS, etc.) but you can also run it from a shell (like from DOS). From what I understand from your post, you don't really...
  13. M

    Does Impure Water Affect Electricity Conductivity?

    Even if someone filled the bath tub with distilled water, there's still enough salt on the human body (i.e. from sweat) to add quite a few ions into the tub.
  14. M

    Does Impure Water Affect Electricity Conductivity?

    if you have VERY pure water then it would be a poor conductor and you could say that it would not conduct electricity. However even small amounts of salts (or other impurities) will increase electrical conductance. As for the electrical appliance in the ocean, I'm not too sure. Maybe somebody...
  15. M

    Medical New Way to Get Drugs into the Brain

    Thats a really good point, and I can see this technique being used in order to elucidate the efficacy and potency of various drugs in vivo. However, with that said, when dealing with drugs you also have to consider their metabolic products. In many instances drugs get broken down to compounds...