Recent content by niin

  1. N

    Virtual pair production - black holes

    But if the matter particle (of the matter-antimatter pair) is created close to the black holes event horizon, wouldn't it just fall in. Doesn't it has mass? Wouldn't it need to have a speed equal to the speed of light to escape the black hole? If it doesn't have mass, how can it have an...
  2. N

    Gravitational redshift and black holes

    Kuon, I don't see why the "equivalence principle" should solve it. If you think of the first reference frame as being accelerated, then there is no redshift, because both reference frame must be accelerated or the distance would change between them. And it's not the distance that changes in...
  3. N

    Does a black hole have shape?

    Are you talking about gravitational redshift? Could you tell me why the light becomes redshifted? It sound like you are saying that that black hole never form. Is that right? Can light escape the collapsing star?
  4. N

    Gravitational redshift and black holes

    Questions: Gravitational redshift and black holes I have some questions: 1. What does gravitational redshift do to light trying to escape a black hole? Is the light destroyed? 2. And what is the physical cause of this redshift? (I’m not interested in equations and math, only the physical...
  5. N

    Why can't electromagnetic radiation escape black holes?

    Okay. Thanks for trying anyway.
  6. N

    Why can't electromagnetic radiation escape black holes?

    I see, so you are saying that if light wasn't redshifted, then it could escape. Isn't it just a matter of time before the light find the radial path then? if yes, doesn't that mean that without redshift, it would be shining just as bright as a normal star? The reason I ask is that I have not...
  7. N

    Why can't electromagnetic radiation escape black holes?

    You say that all path are bent so that light end up back in the black hole. So, if you imagine a line/path goint radial out from the center of a black hole, in what direction is it bent? up? down? left? right? I know that there is no absolute up and such, but what i mean is in what direction is...
  8. N

    How do relativity explain elliptical orbits of planets?

    I want to thanks everyone who responded. I think, I will have to think a little more before i fully get it, but i feel i have a better understanding of the subject now. Thanks for helping me out. =)
  9. N

    How do relativity explain elliptical orbits of planets?

    So would you say that a comets orbit which is very elongated ellipse (i think), is just at short as a circular one from...lets say a satellite? Edit: I wonder if this is a fair way to ask this. maybe it's not, because I'm comparing two different objects...forget this question if it is.
  10. N

    How do relativity explain elliptical orbits of planets?

    Thanks. I hope you would help me clarify some points. So, would you say that the cause for orbits is that the planets follow geodesic? which is the shortest path between points? Why are the geodesics ellipses? When i try to picture it in my mind circles looks like a shorter path than...
  11. N

    How do relativity explain elliptical orbits of planets?

    Guys, thanks for trying to help me, but I think i may be misunderstood a little. Descriptive math is fine, but that was not what i was looking for. I'm sure you would agree that planets don't move because we have a few equations that are good at describing reality. There must be a physical...
  12. N

    How do relativity explain elliptical orbits of planets?

    How can my question be incorrect? It's my question. Either relativity can explain elliptical orbits or it can't. Which is it? I'm sure that you could explain it with Newtonian physics but that was not what is asked. I don't find it relevant that we don't need relativity to explain it. I want to...
  13. N

    How do relativity explain elliptical orbits of planets?

    I read D H's post, but I don't think it answered my question. In my mind I find it easy to picture a circular orbit. If i think about the classic diagram with a 2d surface pressed down by the sun and the Earth following a line in this depression of spacetime, it seem to result in a circular...
  14. N

    How do relativity explain elliptical orbits of planets?

    So relativity can't explain the elliptical orbits of the planets? Didn't relativity replace Newtonian gravity? How can you explain elliptical orbits without gravity?
  15. N

    How do relativity explain elliptical orbits of planets?

    How do relativity explain elliptical orbits of planets?