Recent content by oen_maclaude

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    LaTeX Latex Formatting Help for Maths Coursework - Ryan

    Hi ryan88! I'm quite new to latex too. But I hope this can help. For Problems # 1 and 2, try to write \noindent before the paragraph. That is, "\noindent The number of unknown variables in this problem ..." "\noindent For $j=1$ and $i=1$" Unfortunately I can't provide solution...
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    Is there a solution for this isoceles triangle problem?

    hi! i tried this problem by construction. But I don't know if it is good to prove by this method.
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    LaTeX Introducing LaTeX Math Typesetting

    i guess it is better for articles to be consistent. just a thought. Anyway, thanks!
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    LaTeX Introducing LaTeX Math Typesetting

    i guess there is something wrong in the pdf file in it should be /tex not \tex
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    Is sqrt(5) Rational? Exploring the Proof by Contradiction Method

    well, i am sorry but i haven't heard of the prime lemma. however, in my convinience, it is better to prove the statement using the rational root theorem. the only thing that you need here is the rational root theorem. :wink:
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    Searching for Perfect Squares using the Pythagorean Theorem

    what i mean is that are there other "studies/past studies on this kind of topic" actually, i haven't browsed any sites of other studies such as this. anway, if you have some, i hope you could share me the site. thank you very much!
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    Searching for Perfect Squares using the Pythagorean Theorem

    perfect square? hello everyone! i have come across an on-going research onDETERMINING A PERFECT SQUARE GIVEN A DIFFERENCE . However, I have a feeling that this was not an original one. the researcher used the Pythagorean theorem to arrive at his so called "theorem". would anyone give...
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    Area of a right-angled triangle

    yup! i agree with chroot! look back to what NateTG's post. but is was just ok that you really just dropped by to give us your insights.
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    Area of a right-angled triangle

    yes i do understand now. (to chroot) however, the fact that the possibility that a certain triangle of .such dimension will be existing only that the height is not perpendicular to the hypotenuse
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    Area of a right-angled triangle

    anyway, i have just stated some of the possibilities of the existence of such triangle. anyway thank you very much. nothing lost!
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    Area of a right-angled triangle

    what do you mean by ""just not a right one?"" basically, if you say that a triangle with a hypotenuse is a triangle that has one angle as right or measure is 90 degrees. On the otherhand, a pythagorean triple would be possible such that the two measures of the sides of the triangle would...
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    Area of a right-angled triangle

    well, i might have overlooked on the triangle. however, is it really true that you cannot have a height of 6, if the hypotenuse is 10? as far as i know, there is a possibility that there would be such triangle formed.
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    Area of a right-angled triangle

    well i guess i have not read any detail on the characteristics of the height of the triangle. i think that it is also correct to say that the height of the triangle may as well be perpendicular to the hypotenuse. I hope that you have seen my drawing or illustration on the possible cases that...
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    Area of a right-angled triangle

    i guess, everybody had his/her contribution. i hope that chen would have understood it in anyway. However, if chen haven't pictured the situation, then there is still a need for us to draw the figure to help him/her out.
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    Understanding Division by Zero: Exploring Logical Reasoning

    you better ask ruud about it. just an empahasis on the sentence he/she had written specially on the period (.)