Recent content by paul3337

  1. P

    What do I study in school for Lorentz Force Propulsion R&D?

    I heard that there were places to download free college level quality textbooks on different subjects for those who want to use the power of the internet to develop a college level of education on various subjects for free, but I didn't know about I'm exploring the website now and...
  2. P

    Looking for blueprints to the ISS solar panel array

    Hello I have a question regarding the ISS (international space station) For about a year now, I've been using free youtube tutorials to teach myself how to 3D model for free. Just something I'm doing to educate myself. As sort of an "exercise" I'm 3D modeling an interplanetary cycler ship...
  3. P

    Ionizing Atmosphere on the nose of a rocket, missile or aircraft to reduce drag

    I heard of a strange engineering concept that was mentioned to me by someone who claimed to be a retired aerospace engineer. It was a guy I met on the internet so I took what he said to me with huge grain of salt. He said something to me that I barely comprehend and I haven't heard from this...
  4. P

    What do I study in school for Lorentz Force Propulsion R&D?

    Hello I'm new to the forum and I want to go to school for the specific purpose of developing the education I need to have the ability to research and develop a very interesting theoretical propulsion subject I've sort of stumbled over on the internet. I'm creating this post to ask the specific...