Recent content by phyduck

  1. phyduck

    Chemical/Paint Removal of broken glass from solar panel

    These types of fixes are often reported as temporary, requiring maintenance after a year or two. I'm hoping that we've just yet to consider the pshysics/chemistry involved here, and can eventually find a way to start over as it were. I live in an area where a hail storm is probably the biggest...
  2. phyduck

    Optical DIY Privacy Shades: Make Your Own IR-Blocking Sunglasses

    I am looking to make a DIY version of commercially available privacy sunglasses. The purpose of these glasses is to prevent cctv cameras from using IR facial recognition. Standard sunglass lenses are transparent to infrared. To circumvent this, the lenses have the ability to absorb IR light...
  3. phyduck

    Chemical/Paint Removal of broken glass from solar panel

    I'm looking to find a way to remove tempered glass that has been shattered from solar panels to make them viable once again. I have no idea what kind of adhesive is used here, but I imagine it is some sort of epoxy. I've tried to peel it off with a pressure washer at the car wash to no avail...