Recent content by PhysicsProblem

  1. P

    Special Relativity, calculating velocity of Kl0 meson with reference frames

    Thanks for the help voko & apelling. Kaldanis, I worked it through this way and it seemed to work... t'=5x10^-8s L=45m So.. we know that t (time in the lab frame) must be longer than t' because the Kaon's clock ticks slower due to its high velocity, so.. t=\gammat' v=L/t...
  2. P

    Special Relativity, calculating velocity of Kl0 meson with reference frames

    Homework Statement K mesons (“kaons”) are unstable particles composed of a quark and an antiquark. They can be produced copiously in energetic collisions between stable particles at accelerator laboratories. Soon after they are produced, kaons decay to lighter particles. One type of kaon...