Recent content by praveen

  1. P

    How can we better understand and navigate the complexities of our inner world?

    Understanding & knowing of Outer world is done thru observation from ages... But to understand and to know how ones mind is working, reacting, acting , feeling...what is the method/process to do this ? Here the observer and observed is same ! How the mind to observ itself ?
  2. P

    How can we better understand and navigate the complexities of our inner world?

    Lets us take a common problem exist in almost everybody's Inner World (Consciousness) which is "FEAR"... I see the FEAR as the source of many of our actions... Why we have accepted a LIFE based on identification with a Nation ( American, Indian...) , religion (Hindu , Christian , Islam...)...
  3. P

    How can we better understand and navigate the complexities of our inner world?

    "Outer World" and "Inner World" Hi All, I am opening this thread NOT to ask questions but just to explore with you all on the subject of "Outer world" and "inner World" We , Human beings seems to be MASTERS in exploring the Outer World. Outer world I mean by..whatever out side of...
  4. P

    What is the reason for Gravity ?

    Does quantum theory gives any explanation/hint/clue about science behind Gravitational property of mass ?
  5. P

    Unpacking the Concept of Intelligence: Definitions, Principles, and Action

    This mean "Intelligene can be ONLY expressed in an ACTION" ? if there is no Action, there is no "Intelligence" ?
  6. P

    Unpacking the Concept of Intelligence: Definitions, Principles, and Action

    Thanks for the reply... we, human beings apply our senses plus thought(mind) to "understand" whatever. if we assume that intillegence lies in "ability to understand" as u suggested , then the very word 'ability' meaning 'able to do" is reffering to whom ? is it reffering to one external...
  7. P

    Medical Can We Think Without Language?

    if we can understand what is ( involved in) "thinking"..then probably we can get obvious answer to "can we think without a language". i feel "thinking" is a process of mind going over "known stuff" stored in the brain and "known stuff" can be can be language or a symbol. we...
  8. P

    Unpacking the Concept of Intelligence: Definitions, Principles, and Action

    Insight into "intelligence" we call one mind intelligent and another not. what is first of all "intelligence" ? is intelligence one of the quality in "thinking process" ? If so , what are the general rules/principles of "intelligent thinking".
  9. P

    Is it Right to Hang a person in the name of Justice ?

    Thanks for the response... however...looks like u didnt understand my question... is Human brain something rigid ? can't it be put in right path ? is hanging a person a failure of humanity in making a radical change in human mind ? we vote for death sentense becaz we r not capable of...
  10. P

    Is it Right to Hang a person in the name of Justice ?

    Is it Right to Hang a person in the name of Justice? In INDIA , one criminal is going to be hanged on 14th Aug as a punishment for a crime. what my concern is human mind irreversible ? Cant we change a human mind? Is “death...
  11. P

    What is the reason for Gravity ?

    Thanks rudra.
  12. P

    Absolute Truth Without An Omniscient Creator

    what do you mean by "absolute truth" ?
  13. P

    Why the universe want to know itself?

    Are we part of the Universe ? I doubt we are not. Physically we may be part of a drop of water in a sea. But are we in similer with Universe in every aspect ? Universe is in order . do we have order in our life?
  14. P

    What is the Purpose of Life? The Universe's Audience

    Erus, I don't agree with the statement "Nothing has purpose" . We do see lot of "purpose" for so many things in everyday life . going to school , doing Job , getting married...or examine your body parts , every thing has it's own purpose...right ? do you agree ? or am I wrong ?? I think...
  15. P

    What is the Purpose of Life? The Universe's Audience

    Folks, when somebody ask this question " what is the purpose of life ? " , we always try to "answer" the question . here i wud like to know , " why shud everything in universe ( including life ) MUST have purpose/reason ? ". why we always expect a purpose/reson for a an activity ? cant...