Recent content by Reflector

  1. R

    Why are other people having more fun than me?

    Analogy: Think of a new analogy. Tom Mattson
  2. R

    Why are other people having more fun than me?

    What is it with them that makes them deserve it, while I have to miss out? What am I a spastic? I guess the fun comes in proportion with how much you are above a spastic... but if I know this then how could I be unaware, un-spastic?
  3. R

    Can Humans See Bodies Traveling at the Speed of Light?

    Oh I see. Sure you can. Photons travel at the speed of light and you can see them... :wink:
  4. R

    Can Humans See Bodies Traveling at the Speed of Light?

    Can't you speak english properly? I couldn't understand half of what you asked. And who are you addressing 'Dear Sir to?'...
  5. R

    Friendship or Sex: What Do People Really Want?

    Which do people want more? If it's friend then why is there so much sex going on? Could it be that having friends is just an excuse to have sex, although you would never admit it? I wouldn't want to friends with someone if this was the case and they did not qualify as sexual candidate... In fact...
  6. R

    What would the universe be like

    Sorry, I got side-tracked. 'M' and 'W' are the same thing viewed from different points of view...
  7. R

    What would the universe be like

    It's just a good way for Reflector to post his subliminal mysterious messages on the internet... That's how I view it. What else am I going to do? I'm just in my room trying to make a cool environment for my self, and I don't have any friends...
  8. R

    What would the universe be like

    No, I can't say. I'm just having fun by putting simple childish things which represent my theory which (I think) explains ALOT. If you choose to view them as childish then you are bypassing it... :smile:
  9. R

    What would the universe be like

    '-' could not exist without 'm' and 'w'...
  10. R

    What would the universe be like

    Getting beyond the point... it's really about the shape 'm', 'w' and '-'...
  11. R

    Please scrutinize my symmetric concept.

    Yes I believe in symmetry. Everything is as close to everything else as everything else is as close to everything. Something is not justified being closer to something than something else is... Something else is actually something somewhere else. If something does not correlate with this...
  12. R

    Does Zero Speed = Negative Velocity and Gravity?

    This is not the only explanation I have for gravity. I have one from before but I refrained from posting as it made too much sense to me and I can't just give it away. This one is more obscure which is why I posted it. I just thought a planet which was existing naturally without too much speed...
  13. R

    Explaining C: How Space Changes with Speed

    Okay, so what is your idea about this. The only thing concievable is that the angle of the speed of light has to change for it to remain constant to you. I don't know how you can go straight and then the light just goes more straight ahead of you. Is it because the furthermost photon takes it's...
  14. R

    Does Zero Speed = Negative Velocity and Gravity?

    Alright, I was wrong... but it sounded cool. Gravity = negative velocity. I was just thinking the real laws of physics are based on really cool ideas and they are elusive to find. I'll try to explain some more in case I am right. You increase in mass when you increase your velocity, meaning...
  15. R

    Does Zero Speed = Negative Velocity and Gravity?

    Okay. Say your moving near lightspeed. You go from speed A to speed B. Your mass increases by 5. Now say you have mass 5 and you are stationary. Now you go from speed B to speed A... '-ve velocity'. Get it? There is a connection between mass and velocity. So if you have mass you need to have...