Recent content by samalkhaiat

  1. samalkhaiat

    I Fundamental representation and adjoint representation

    I don’t know, I don’t use Zee’s books. May be he wants to introduce you to the adjoint representation, if he has not done that by this point. Note that “similar” thing can be done in the SU(n) group by expanding the traceless (1,1) tensor representation in terms of the hermitian generators in...
  2. samalkhaiat

    I Is the electromagnetic 4-vector indeed a 4-vector?

    Weinberg constructs the field a_{\mu}(x) from the polarization “vector” e_{\mu}(\vec{p}, \sigma) and the annihilation and creation operators. Since the little group technics, he uses, is simpler to apply directly to the polarization vector, he derives the properties of the field a_{\mu} from...
  3. samalkhaiat

    I Is the electromagnetic 4-vector indeed a 4-vector?

    The mathematical details is given on the pages 248 and 249 of Weinberg text. The math is easy if you are familiar with the technics of “little group”. If you are not, then observe the following problem: Consider the propagator of the massive vector field representation (1/2,1/2) (which is a true...
  4. samalkhaiat

    I Is the electromagnetic 4-vector indeed a 4-vector?

    It is the point, A_{\mu}A^{\mu} is not physically meaningful quantity because it is neither gauge nor Lorentz invariant. I don’t know what you mean by those words. Can you translate your words to mathematical expressions so that I can understand them. I suggest you read Weinberg QFT Vol 1...
  5. samalkhaiat

    I Is the electromagnetic 4-vector indeed a 4-vector?

    The potential with index up is not a contravariant Lorentz vector because it does not transform like A^{\mu} \to \Lambda^{\mu}{}_{\nu}A^{\nu}. And the potential with index down (i.e., the components of the connection 1-form) is not a covariant Lorentz vector because it does not transform like...
  6. samalkhaiat

    I Is the electromagnetic 4-vector indeed a 4-vector?

    Gauge invariance must hold in all Lorentz frames, otherwise no physical meaning can be associated to a given quantity. Also, the gauge-invariant Maxwell equations are Lorentz covariant provided that the connection transforms as \bar{A}^{\mu}(\bar{x}) = \Lambda^{\mu}{}_{\nu}A^{\nu}(x) +...
  7. samalkhaiat

    I Is the electromagnetic 4-vector indeed a 4-vector?

    The potential A_{\mu} is NOT a 4-vector. The fact that we can always choose A_{0} to be zero in ALL Lorentz frame show that A_{\mu} cannot be a 4-vector. Indeed, there exists no 4-vector representation (1/2,1/2) for massless particle of helicity \pm 1. Under the action of the Lorentz group, the...
  8. samalkhaiat

    I Fundamental representation and adjoint representation

    Exercise: Consider the transformation of your tensor T under the rotation R \in SO(n): T \to \bar{T} = RTR^{-1}, Now consider the infinitesimal version of the transformation by writing R = 1 + \omega \cdot \mathcal{J}, where \omega \cdot \mathcal{J} = \omega^{a}\mathcal{J}_{a}, a = 1, \cdots \ ...
  9. samalkhaiat

    I Noether's Theorem in the Presence of a Charged Operator

    It is not clear what meaning one can associate with the product of operators on the left hand side. I you have an exact symmetry, then the Noether current is conserved, i.e., \partial_{\mu}j^{\mu}(x) = 0, and its associated charge, Q = \int d^{3}x \ j^{0}(x), generates the correct infinitesimal...
  10. samalkhaiat

    I How to derive irreducible representations/tensors?

    1)The Weyl Conformal Tensor: You really need to know where the Weyl tensor does come from. Weyl obtained his tensor C_{\rho\sigma\mu\nu} from the Riemann tensor R_{\rho\sigma\mu\nu} by subtracting all pieces that are not invariant under arbitrary rescaling of the metric (g_{\mu\nu}(x) \to...
  11. samalkhaiat

    I Higgs Field & GR: Are They Related or Not?

    If you know the mathematics of GR and QFT, then just read Samalkhaiat's challenge #002 Reference:
  12. samalkhaiat

    I Limit of quantum mechanics as h -> 0

    I wrote an insight about it. I believe I called it: The classical limit of commutators, or something similar
  13. samalkhaiat

    A Understanding killing vectors and transformations of metric

    This is not correct. Use g_{ad}\partial_{b}\chi^{d} = \partial_{b}\chi_{a} - \chi^{d}\partial_{b}g_{ad}. You made the same mistake in here. Using the following relations in the calculus of infinitesimals: \epsilon \ \bar{g}_{ab}(x) \approx \epsilon \ g_{ab}(x), \ \ \ \epsilon \...
  14. samalkhaiat

    I How does one compute the Fourier-Transform of the Dirac-Hamiltonian?

    Do you know how to solve differential equations by Green’s function methods? 1) K-G propagator: Recall that the FREE KG field satisfies \left( \partial^{2} + m^{2}\right) \phi (x) = 0 , \ \ \ \mbox{where} \ \partial^{2} = \partial_{\mu}\partial^{\mu}. \ \ (1) Now let us modify the above FREE KG...
  15. samalkhaiat

    A Can local conservation be verified experimentally?

    Again, thanks for that elementary fact. You said: “…., if you measure the local field as a function of time, …” and I still don’t understand the meaning of “measure” in THAT sentence. So, what does it mean to “measure” say the KG field operator? And how you do it?