Recent content by scigal89

  1. S

    Understanding the Fermi sphere

    I'd really appreciate any insight on any of this since I've hit a wall. It is about the Fermi gas. --- My teacher did an example in class that didn't make much sense, and I'm trying to understand it. He had us take the real-part of the antiderivative of exp(ik(x-x'))dk, then evaluate it to...
  2. S

    Showing an integral doesn't converge

    Homework Statement Show that the following function is not square integrable, i.e. that it is not continuous. \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left ( e^{ikx} \right )^{2}dx Homework Equations See above. Also: \int \left ( e^{ikx} \right )^{2}dx = -\frac{ie^{2ikx}}{2k} The Attempt at a...
  3. S

    Box Normalizing in Quantum Mechanics: The Role of Black Body Radiation

    Any ideas? It seems box normalizing is done w/the wavefunction for a free particle to assume a finite box rather than infinite dimensions. Is that basically box normalizing? How is that helpful with the black body?
  4. S

    Orthonormal functions using Gramm Schmidt

    I didn't know that! I never thought of it parametrically before. Interesting... To be honest, though, I'm still not sure about the bounds for my case. I figure since "physically" they have to do with finding an electron at some displacement, it is extended over all space from negative infinity...
  5. S

    Orthonormal functions using Gramm Schmidt

    That's what I originally thought (over all space for my "functions"). Yet, that made me wonder, for something like the orthonormal Legendre polynomials, which are generated by Gram Schmidt on (-1,1) they are not used merely within those bounds...
  6. S

    Orthonormal functions using Gramm Schmidt

    Right. But the process involves integrating over some space, which is why I asked about the bounds. I was thinking that given my functions, 0 to 2pi might not be a good choice, but negative pi to pi or negative infinity to infinity are better choices. How do I choose the appropriate interval...
  7. S

    Orthonormal functions using Gramm Schmidt

    How do you choose the interval? Does it matter conceptually that the Legendre polynomials, for instance, are orthonormalised over (-1,1)? Does that mean that even though they are not orthonormal over all space even though you can obviously graph them over all space? Specifically, I want to...
  8. S

    Statistical mechanics question -

    We're covering probability of the distance for free electrons with parallel spin (long-range oscillations should go to zero) and using that to get a correlation energy. My teacher wants us to elaborate the following 1D case. \int e^{ik(x-X)}dk=\frac{e^{ik(x-X)}}{i(x-X)}\Rightarrow...
  9. S

    Fixing Normalization Issues in Graphing Orthonormalized Functions

    For Gram-Schmidt I take interval as (0, 2π). Then \phi _{0} = \frac{sin(x)}{x\sqrt {Si(4 \pi)}} \psi _{1} = \left \{ \frac{sin(x)}{x}-\frac{1}{2}\frac{sin(2x)}{(2x)}\right \}-\left [ \int_{0}^{2\pi}\left \{ \frac{sin(x)}{x}-\frac{1}{2}\frac{sin(2x)}{(2x)}\right \}\frac{sin(x)}{x\sqrt...
  10. S

    Fixing Normalization Issues in Graphing Orthonormalized Functions

    In class we worked out the following \int e^{ik(x-X)}dk=\frac{e^{ik(x-X)}}{i(x-X)}\approx \frac{sin[k(x-X)]}{x-X} by taking the real part of the solution. My teacher wants us to graph the following functions \psi_{1} \sim \frac{sin(x)}{x} \psi_{2} \sim...
  11. S

    Fourier Transforms: Find Bounds, Dirac Delta, Euler's Identity

    My teacher worked out the following and said it's a unitary transformation (how?) of exp(ikx). He said we're supposed to find the periodic bounds of integration - but I thought for Fourier transforms the bounds are negative infinity to infinity, so in this case shouldn't it just be the Dirac...