Recent content by SharkyMan

  1. S

    Medical Voltmeter registers on my skin

    I agree, I am supposed to touch a conductive plate around the electrical device, but i don't have to do that, all I am doing is standing (I've tried this in many rooms and outdoors) and if I make contact with any part of my skin on my arm or face the volt alarm sounds at its highest sound.
  2. S

    Medical Voltmeter registers on my skin

    if you are in So Cal, I would be glad to meet up with you and demonstrate this nutty phenom.
  3. S

    Medical Voltmeter registers on my skin

    it is not set to ohms, it is really nuts.
  4. S

    Medical Voltmeter registers on my skin

    I am touching nothing, the voltmeter is set for household use, and the other hand is free. Any ideas?
  5. S

    Medical Voltmeter registers on my skin

    Can anyone out there tell me why a voltmeter would strongly register when I touch it to my arm, and yet I am in no contact with any electrical current? This seems outrageous to me. It is a commercially available pen tester bought at Home Depot and set on the highest setting.