Recent content by sidrox

  1. S

    Philosophical connotations of Science

    Hey all, My meditations on life and death have been, for lack of another word, provoked, after hearing of a spate of deaths of people I know. Like many others on PF, I tend to think scientifically rather than emotionally and here is (an overview of) what I have thus far: 1. The entropy...
  2. S

    What is the Formula for Calculating Power and Accounting for Friction?

    perfect! so the force is 40 * 0.4...and that by 5 gives you the power!
  3. S

    Equations of motion for uniform acceleration

    Work done by Friction + Work done by gravity = Final K.E. - Initial K.E. <i hope this is right!> now, u can work out the individual work done and find v.
  4. S

    Ball bearings momentum physics problem

    The simplest way to look at it mathematically is \frac{dp}{dt}=F If the force along a direction is 0, the momentum change is 0, ie., the momentum is conserved. Note that it is only along THAT direction in which the momentum is conserved.
  5. S

    Uniform Circular Motion -Explanatory questions

    as long as \frac{mv^2}{r} < Friction or even equal to friction, the coin is going to stay. Whether or not it is in UCM the velocity is always tangential; so as soon as the centripetal force exceeds friction, the coin will fly off tangentially
  6. S

    Is My Calculation for a Microwave's Turntable Spin Correct?

    i presumed it is friction that is providing the centripetal force...
  7. S

    Cant someone start a tutorial thread?

    and most are links to pdf files that can be downloaded :frown:!
  8. S

    Cant someone start a tutorial thread?

    i saw the list...but, they are really inactive...a tutorial on maybe differential calculus and integral calculus, covering all the types would be really useful...
  9. S

    Cant someone start a tutorial thread?

    Cant someone start a tutorial thread? Cant someone start like a tutorial thread? :confused: Looking at the potential here :bugeye: , if we could start a tutorial on a topic, maybe under a separate subdivision, and post there (not problems but different concepts that each one could bring out)...
  10. S

    Energy released during explosion

    m1 and m2 are two the two masses...
  11. S

    Energy released during explosion

    \frac{1}{2} m1 v^2 = Energy Released + \frac{1}{2} m2 v^2
  12. S

    Rockets burning in terms of momentum conservation

    lemme give u a need to remember that the mass is not constant and that the fuel used is continuously reducing the mass of the body...try to a get a start, use calculus and post how far you get...
  13. S

    Calculus involving accln and vel

    Now the body comes to rest at t = \frac {2 \sqrt{v(0)}}{\alpha} Thus, i substituted the above expression for 't' in the expression for 'x'. and i have gotten the following value for x, but it is not one of the options. i got: x = \frac {8 \sqrt{v(0)}^3}{3 \alpha} Where...
  14. S

    Calculus involving accln and vel is my working: 2 \sqrt{v} = - 2\sqrt{v(0)} - \frac {\alpha t}{2} On squaring, v = v(0) + \frac {\alpha^2 t^2}{4} + \sqrt{v(0)}\alpha t On writing v as \frac {dx}{dt} , and then integrating: x = 0 + \frac {\alpha^2 t^3}{12} + \frac { \sqrt{v(0)} \alpha t^2}{2} and i am...
  15. S

    Calculus involving accln and vel

    is this true?? \frac{d}{dt} \-v(0) = 0 ? is that right?