Recent content by Skunkmere

  1. S

    Quantum Teleportation across the Danube Demonstrated

    so this technology is going to one day be able to transport bigger stuff than a photon. or wtf
  2. S

    Build Your Own Cloud Chamber for Particle Detection

    rastafari II Mr kaku in one of his books said that he built one when he was young and it took a mad amount of copper wire. i don't think you can detect nuetrinos unless you got a old salt mine 50 miles deep and some crazy ill photonic tubes to detect them. that's a grip of loot. i wanted to...
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    The Possibility of Mind Control: Commanding Computers with Your Thoughts

    shoot the moon i saw on the boob tube that they had this pilot in a flight simulator that she was piloting using her thoughts and she was contolling the balance of the wing (i donno what it called).
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    Diamond Computers: Future of Computing? Pros, Cons & More

    diamond why not almonds i think that diamond thing is really about synthetic diamond makers and diamond miners trying to sell more diamonds. why not make a computer using something cheap. maybe frozen almonds
  5. S

    Physics of P.O.T: Smoking Pot and Abstract Thought

    do any of you physics brainiacs smoke pot? and if so do you think its a good tool for abstract thought. how about mushrooms? just wondering. listen to antipop consortum