Recent content by soikez

  1. S

    How to handle an ill-conditioned matrix?

    Hello everybody, I would like to know if there are any techniques to handle ill-conditioned or/and singular matrices. Thanks in advance!
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    Associated Legendre functions and orthogonality

    According to the orthogonality property of the associated Legendre function P_l^{|m|}(cos\theta) we have that: \int_{0}^{\pi}P_{l}^{|m|}(cos\theta){\cdot}P_{l'}^{|m'|}(cos\theta)sin{\theta}d\theta=\frac{2(l+m)!}{(2l+1)(l-m)!}{\delta}_{ll'} What I am looking for is an orthogonality...
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    Accurate estimation of complex eigenvalues

    Hello, I use Arnoldi iterative algorithm in order to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix. I know that the eigenvalues are of the form \lambda(1+j/c) and I can totally estimate them. The problem that occurs is that both the range of \lambda_0 and c is for example [100,1000]. That means that there...
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    Is Your Point Inside a Non-Regular Tetrahedron?

    Hello , does anybody knows how can I check if a point is inside a tetrahedral. The tetrahedral isn't regular. Thanks!
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    Negative Diffraction: Poynting's Vector & Maxwell's Equations

    Hello, this is the first time I'm sending a message and i don't know so good the procedure. Please forgive me for my english but I'm from greece, thus i am not experienced in speaking english, but i'll try to be as plain as i can. I'd like to ask something about electromagnetic waves. I'm...