Recent content by Sorthal

  1. Sorthal

    Obtain Oxygen: Break Apart CO2 or H2SO4?

    A good way to get oxygen is mixing bleach and hydrogen peroxide. Fun little home experiment.
  2. Sorthal

    Mass Increase at Relativistic Speeds: A Scientific Inquiry

    So basically the acceleration gives it the energy increase?
  3. Sorthal

    Is time present in a black hole?

    Is there time inside of a black hole?
  4. Sorthal

    Mass Increase at Relativistic Speeds: A Scientific Inquiry

    1. How do we know that objects mass increase as they approach the speed of light 2. How did whoever figured this out do so
  5. Sorthal

    Is electric field radially inwards or outwards

    Alright man so what the symbols mean are: if it is the "x" symbol it means the field is going into the page (away from you) and if it is the other symbol then it means the field is coming out of the page (at you)