Recent content by Sothh

  1. S

    Point At Given Distance in 3d Space

    Sorry, the direction is the longitude and latitude, or pitch and yaw. 1-100 is a single number, that may range between 1 to 100 (or more.) I need the algorithm to find the 3d point that the line ends at when given a starting point, a direction, and a distance from the starting point.
  2. S

    Black Hole Gravity at a Distance

    Here is something I have been wondering for a long time, and just not had time to post yet. If a black hole has infinite gravity, and you plug infinity into the gravity equation, don't you get infinite gravity no matter the distance? I know there is something I am missing, but I thought it...
  3. S

    Point At Given Distance in 3d Space

    I am working on a simple ray tracer for rending point clouds in real time. I am not so good with maths, and I am stuck with a fairly simple problem: Given a start point (0,0,0) and a direction (0,90) and a distance 1-100, how do I get the 3d point the line will hit? As this will go...
  4. S

    Challenges of Terraforming Mars: Temperature, Air Pressure, and Radiation

    Just to add my thoughts, one of the problems I have not yet seen addressed is the magnetic field. I think I have a "simple" way of fixing that. Bring a big asteroid into orbit, which should make mars's core move like waves move because of our moon. This should create a magnetic field. It is...
  5. S

    Time Dilation's Effect on Radioactive Decay

    Thanks. That clears a lot up. Everywhere else I have looked states that temperature does not effect radioactive decay.
  6. S

    Time Dilation's Effect on Radioactive Decay

    Does temperature effect time dilation? Since a "hot" atom will be moving more then a "cold" atom, with the speed difference change the decay of the atom?
  7. S

    Calculating Mass of a Photon - Why is it Zero?

    Thanks! I have always wondered about this. If the photon transfers its energy to an object with a rest mass, then does it add mass to the object?
  8. S

    Time Dilation's Effect on Radioactive Decay

    Does time dilation effect radioactive decay? For example, if I speed a radioactive atom up to near light speeds, will its decay slow? If so, could this be used to study atoms with a very short decay time?
  9. S

    Calculating Mass of a Photon - Why is it Zero?

    I know that a photon cannot have mass. I know that a photon does carry energy, however. So, just for fun I used E=mc2, to find out how much mass a photo would have. This was mainly just to play around with the equation, but I found the answer interesting. 1.11265005605e-31 kilograms...
  10. S

    Energy Needed To Go A Given Speed

    Thanks! Just to confirm I am using this correctly, it should take 20 kilograms around 9e+12 kilojoules to go .1c, correct?
  11. S

    Energy Needed To Go A Given Speed

    Hey, I don't have much of a physics background. I have been searching for an equation that shows how much energy is needed to make a given mass go a given speed. For example, let's say I want to send 1 gram at half light speed. How much energy is required? Thanks!