Recent content by sulicat

  1. S

    Engineing Resources: Learn Modern Engineering History

    I hope that its just everyone playing way too much of their cards way too early ... I am very grateful I was reading a book about wings and was bored as hell, but I get your point, I learned nothing from my reading so far. My time could have been better spent doing something that I actually...
  2. S

    Engineing Resources: Learn Modern Engineering History

    Hi, I just started college and was pleasantly surprised to see that a lot of my classmates know a lot about different engineering stuff. Some would know all the parts of a car and maybe how the ac worked etc... for me other than programming I was ashamed of how limited my knowledge of these...
  3. S

    Will this circuit work? what am i missing?

    Hmmmnn that is extremely interesting. Thank you for explaining. So the voltage spike that the motor will produce once turned off is AC?
  4. S

    Will this circuit work? what am i missing?

    Can you explain to me why you put a diode across the motor ? How does it affect current flow ?
  5. S

    Will this circuit work? what am i missing?

    hi, so i want to be able to run a motor depending on whether or not an IR detector senses IR light. so the basic idea at the start was to connect the motor with the detector and a resistor in series and therefore if there is IR the current will flow turning on the motor. I then learned that the...
  6. S

    What is the Role of Electronics in Understanding the Universe?

    hi, my name is suli, 16 year old from living in the U.S. I want to one day become as decent an engineer as i can, i hope that this site will help me learn more about the rules that govern the universe. i am especially interested in electronics, maybe its because of iron man ? dunno... well...