Recent content by sus4

  1. S

    How much of the material (formulas, etc.) do you need to memorize?

    A lot of the times, in the earlier physics classes, you can get by without even memorizing some of the mainstream equations. If you get a good intuitive understanding of everything, it often can be boiled down to making sure the units work out right. I usually only memorize any equation that I...
  2. S

    What's your worst fear in maths-heavy exams?

    My mind absolutely wanders without a distraction. I've always needed noise to think and that bothered me a lot in school during exams. It's very much a "blank-brain" feeling.
  3. S

    MATLAB Irritated by Matlab should I retake the course?

    Try to learn as much as you can from the class while you are taking it. Your best bet is the read reference books and experiment on your own time and NOT to retake the class if you can help it.
  4. S

    Engineering Niche jobs for Electrical Engineers?

    When it comes to Electrical Engineering, there is only what is currently in demand. The demand literally changes from year to year within the field. Almost any technology field will change too quick for you to make any useful predictions. My advice is to work on learning foundational skills that...
  5. S

    Engineering Computer Engineering versus Electrical Engineering

    I think you'll find that EE and CE both work in the design of all of those fields, though they work on different parts. Your best bet is to pick one (or both), and make another decision after your first year or two of engineering. The degrees are similar enough that you should still graduate on...
  6. S

    Is sugar a dangerous drug? This guy thinks so.

    True. This is one reason that I don't agree with the complete ban of recreational drugs (I'm including sugar as recreational). I do, however, believe that they should be WELL regulated. While we all die eventually regardless of our choices, our diets and habits can greatly effect the quality of...
  7. S

    The Effects of Your First Job?

    I'm not sure how difficult it would be, but look at it from the perspective of an employer. Why should they hire you when they can get a fresh graduate with a more predictable skill set? You need to be able to show an employer why you are more valuable than the fresh graduates, which means you...
  8. S

    Math + Alcohol = Better Results?

    I find that while many drugs inhibit computational abilities, they can be useful for forcing someone to look at a problem in different ways. There has to be a balance where they have some effect, but don't make the user a complete idiot at the same time.
  9. S

    Question: Infinity A bigger than Infinity B ?

    You're right, I was referring to infinity as used in analysis as a parameter. However, the set of all real numbers, while an infinite set, is also an undefined set. I don't see how comparisons can be made between undefined numbers. I'm sure you are more educated than me in math, but there comes...
  10. S

    Question: Infinity A bigger than Infinity B ?

    You cannot evaluate at infinity. What you are doing is evaluating limits as a parameter approaches infinity. This CAN, but doesn't always result in a defined value. In your reference to infinity as an amount, that is more relatable to an undefined value. In calculus, we are taught that even...
  11. S

    Should I remain in Electrical Engineering?

    Just to clarify, There are plenty of people in EE that are not "computer geeks", work out multiple nights a week, and/or watch football. I notice I didn't explicitly mention that.
  12. S

    Should I remain in Electrical Engineering?

    I wouldn't be so quick to cut out EE. I was attracted to it by E&M and the fact that it was applied math/physics. Computers are just one part of EE and there is absolutely no reason that an EE must enjoy it. Think about it, do all music majors enjoy composition or music history? Do all physics...
  13. S

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    It sounds like they could have more application based courses to provide more engineering skills. However, structural engineering is extremely important in the design of many materials. Also If you actually get an engineering job, you will probably find that it consists of more economics and...
  14. S

    Programs Considering majoring in physics

    You have to enjoy math if you want to enjoy physics. When most people say they don't like physics, they actually mean "Physics is really interesting, but I don't like the math". They would rather someone else do all of the math and then they can hear the resulting conclusions. Even if you...
  15. S

    Advice on an extra year or two in school.

    Programming is definitely something that you can learn on your own. I would, however, still take computer science courses in college. I wouldn't necessarily aim for a minor, but rather courses that you will find to be helpful. If you have the time, I would just take an extra cs course every...