Recent content by TalRoc

  1. T

    Calculating Steel Density from Experimental Data in Excel: Troubleshooting Tips

    Got it. I was making a stupid mistake the whole time and forgot to multiply by 1000 at the end... And I was wrong the units were mm and g. I see what I did now. Thanks guys
  2. T

    Calculating Steel Density from Experimental Data in Excel: Troubleshooting Tips

    SteamKing, thanks for the help, but I still don't get why excel is coming up with those numbers. This is a screenshot of my excel document: Please tell me what I'm doing wrong I'm really confused :/
  3. T

    Calculating Steel Density from Experimental Data in Excel: Troubleshooting Tips

    Okay, so diameter is in cm, volume is in cubic centimeters. Also thanks for the quick reply!
  4. T

    Calculating Steel Density from Experimental Data in Excel: Troubleshooting Tips

    So I received a lab today for physics. The first part of the lab I finished in about 20 minutes,had no trouble with it, but I don't understand what I'm doing wrong in the second part. I have to find the density of steel in excel, using experimental data that we found in class a few weeks ago...