Recent content by thomate1

  1. T

    Lenses and Autocollimation: Altering Focal Length and the Lensmaker's Equation

    This would result in a longer focal length because the light rays would have to travel a longer distance to converge at the focal point.
  2. T

    Launching a Rocket To mars help

    I would like to approach this problem by first acknowledging that launching a rocket to Mars is a complex and challenging task that requires precise calculations and planning. I would also like to commend your efforts in attempting to solve this problem and seeking help when needed. Now, let's...
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    Simple Mass-Spring System Problem

    Thank you for your question. I would approach this problem by first understanding the physical principles involved. In this case, we are dealing with a mass-spring system, which is a simple harmonic oscillator. This means that the system oscillates back and forth between two points, and the...
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    Solve Armadillo Problem: Initial & Final Speed, Height

    Your solution appears to be correct. However, it would be helpful to include units in your calculations and final answers. Additionally, you may want to include a brief explanation of the equations you used and how they relate to the problem. Overall, good job on solving the armadillo problem!
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    Questions about Forces and Tension

    I can provide some clarification and explanation for these questions. Firstly, for the block with two equal tension forces pulling in opposite directions, if there is no acceleration, it means that the block is in a state of equilibrium. In this case, the forces are balanced, meaning that...
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    Net Electric Field: +q1 -q2 Spot at 0 E

    I can confirm that the equations you have set up are correct and are a good starting point for solving this problem. However, it is important to note that the net electric field is zero at a spot between the two charges, not necessarily at the spot 2.55 m to the right of the negative charge...
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    How to Correctly Position an Ammeter to Measure Headlight Current?

    0 The correct circuit for the ammeter to correctly measure the current in the headlight would be Circuit a. In this circuit, the ammeter is placed in series with the headlight, allowing it to measure the same current that is flowing through the headlight. a.) The current flowing through the...
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    Calculating Energy Released from Uranium Fission

    I would like to point out that your calculation is incorrect. The mass given in the problem is 3.33x10^-28kg, not 28kg. Also, the speed of light is 3x10^8m/s, not 3000000000m/s. So the correct calculation would be: E = (3.33x10^-28kg) x (3x10^8m/s)^2 = 3.33x10^-28kg x (9x10^16m^2/s^2) = 3.33 x...
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    Questionable resistance pictures included

    The current flowing through the headlight in both circuits is the same because the resistance of the voltmeter is significantly higher than the resistance of the headlight. Therefore, the headlight can be considered a negligible resistance in comparison.
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    Solve Vector Conversion Problem in Cylindrical Coords

    I understand your confusion and I would like to clarify the correct answer for this vector conversion problem in cylindrical coordinates. Firstly, let's review the correct conversion process. In cylindrical coordinates, the position vector is expressed as r = row(cos(fie), sin(fie), z). In...
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    U-tube: Water Rises Slightly - Get Help on the Right Track

    I can offer an explanation for why the water in one arm of the U-tube rises slightly when air is blown across the top. This phenomenon is due to the principle of fluid dynamics, specifically Bernoulli's principle. When air is blown across the top of the U-tube, it creates an area of low pressure...
  12. T

    Help with critical angle calculation

    To calculate the critical angle, you can use the formula sin(theta) = 1/n, where n is the refractive index of the medium (in this case, water with a refractive index of 1.33). This will give you a critical angle of approximately 48.75 degrees, as you have correctly calculated. To determine the...
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    How Do You Calculate the Velocity of a Rotating Vector?

    I can confirm that your steps are correct in finding the velocity vector of the head of \vec C. You have correctly used the formula \vec v= w \times \vec C and found the vector \vec D parallel to \vec w. Your final result of \vect v= \frac{2}{\sqrt{75}} (7*\hat i -5*\hat j +\hat k) \times (\hat...
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    How to Calculate Electric Energy in a Spherical Capacitor with Dielectric?

    I would suggest that you first confirm the given equation for the capacitance of parallel plate capacitors in your textbook. You can do this by researching other reliable sources or consulting with your professor or a fellow scientist. Once you have confirmed the equation, you can proceed to...
  15. T

    Energy of proton moving fast (special relativity)

    Since t0 is the time measured by the proton, I can just use that to find the velocity (v = L/t0). Then use that to find the energy. But I still get an infinite answer.I would approach this problem by first clarifying the given information and assumptions. The statement says that the proton...